Don’t freeze, go see “Black Panther”

By Kayla Cata

“Black Panther” is everyone’s story, and it inspires us all to stand up for what we believe in and make a difference, in our world.

Marvel’s “Black Panther” lit up the box office this past weekend grossing about $427 million worldwide and $242 million domestically, according to Vanity Fair.   While the hype for this movie’s release was huge, the delivery was even bigger and more powerful than imagined. Right from the start the people of Wakanda have viewers on the edge their seats and...

Art Exhibits in the Center of Southwest Studies

By: Becca Day

The Center of Southwest Studies rotated new artifacts out to its art gallery exhibits, Treasures of the Southwest and Ben Nighthorse Campbell: Colorado’s Renaissance Man, and will hold an opening reception Feb. 21  at 5:00 p.m.


The Center of Southwest Studies rotated new artifacts out to its art gallery exhibits, Treasures of the Southwest and Ben Nighthorse Campbell: Colorado’s Renaissance Man, and will hold an opening reception Feb. 21  at 5:00 p.m.   The art gallery opened a year ago but is rotating new items out of its collection into the gallery, Shelby Tisdale, director of the CSWS,...

Softball Renovations Won’t be Completed by Opening Weekend

Written By Matthew Roy, Photos by Shania Concha-Ortiz

The Fort Lewis College women’s softball team will be playing its opening weekend this Saturday and Sunday, and possibly subsequent weekends, in Aztec, New Mexico, due to the $3 million renovation project to the FLC softball complex being delayed.

The Fort Lewis College women’s softball team will be playing its opening weekend this Saturday and Sunday, and possibly subsequent weekends, in Aztec, New Mexico, due to the $3 million renovation project to the FLC softball complex being delayed.   Last season, the softball team was forced to drive 45 minutes away to Aztec for every home game.   The final things...

Provost Morris’ Home Window Broken by Bullet

By Ryan Simonovich

The incident may be motivated by tense budgetary discussions at the college.

A window at Fort Lewis College Provost Barbara Morris’ house in Durango was broken on Feb. 13 by a gunshot during an incident that may be motivated by tense budgetary discussions at the college.   The window was broken by a shot from either a small gun or air pellet gun, Morris said in an email The Independent sent seeking comment.   The incident was isolated with...

ASFLC Report: Durango Transit Resolution, RMAC Tournament Tickets, RSO

Mike Ranson

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met Wednesday, Feb.14 to discuss the impact of the Durango Transit contract, Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference ticket funding, and Registered Student Organizations approvals.


The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met Wednesday, Feb.14 to discuss the impact of the Durango Transit contract, Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference ticket funding, and Registered Student Organizations approvals.   Durango Transit Contract   The ASFLC voted to serve the Durango city government a 60-day notice to cancel the current contract in which FLC is...
