Netflix: What To Watch This Month

By Teal Lehto

WARNING: This show is absolutely raucous.

Altered Carbon This futuristic sci-fi show is founded upon the premise that in the future human consciousness can be stored and transferred, by using technology called stacks. This means that people can feasibly live forever, as long as they can afford to acquire a new body and they keep their stack intact. The main character of the show is tasked with solving the murder of a man who is...

ASFLC Report: ASFLC Holds Election Results and Votes to Approve Changes to FAB Bylaws

By Benjamin Mandile

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met Wednesday night at which time ASFLC president Dustin Fink updated the Senate on student-government elections, discussed changes to the Financial Allocation Board bylaws and created two new FAB at-large-senator positions.


The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met Wednesday night at which time ASFLC president Dustin Fink updated the Senate on student-government elections, discussed changes to the Financial Allocation Board bylaws and created two new FAB at-large-senator positions. Election Results Held During his officer report ASFLC president Dustin Fink made a statement about the ASFLC student...

Cambridge Analytica and #DeleteFacebook

By Ryan Simonovich

The bottom line is that the Trump campaign was able to use this data to increase online fundraising, reach undecided voters and increase voter turnout on election day.

Cambridge Analytica and #DeleteFacebook   If you’re like me, it can be hard to keep track of the news cycle and read extensively about every scandal that seemingly develops everyday. On top of that, it is hard to understand the convoluted histories of scandals, such as the Cambridge Analytica and Facebook one.   This article aims to help you understand what is...

ASFLC: FLC Presidential Candidates set to visit and Graduation Regalia

By: Mike Ranson

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met on March 7 to discuss the new Fort Lewis College presidential candidates and graduation regalia.

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met on March 7 to discuss the new Fort Lewis College presidential candidates and graduation regalia.   FLC Presidential Candidates The three finalists for the presidential position at FLC have been finalized: Maria Guajardo, Tom Stritikus and Teresa C. Balser were selected. Guajardo is the Deputy Vice-President of Soka University...

Fort Lewis College Campus Blotter

By: Becca Day

The Independent recently received a copy of the Fort Lewis College Crime Log. Below is a summary of incidents that happened from March 1 to March 16.


The Independent recently received a copy of the Fort Lewis College Crime Log. Below is a summary of incidents that happened from March 1 to March 16. Thursday, March 1 at 12:26 a.m. Police responded an incident in Animas Hall involving underage consumption of alcohol. An arrest, citation and release occurred.   Saturday, March 10 at 5:48 p.m. Police responded to an...
