The Old Fort In Hesperus

By: Coya Pair

When Fort Lewis College first became a college it was located near Hesperus. Today, the Old Fort is still there as an active farm as a source for education and community gatherings.


When Fort Lewis College first became a college it was located near Hesperus. Today, the Old Fort is still there as an active farm as a source for education and community gatherings.   “We try to be a community resource, for education, meetings, conferences, weddings and picnics,” Beth LaShell, Old Fort coordinator, said.   The Old Fort is located four miles...

Mozart's Così Fan Tutte

By: Kate Huxel

The Metropolitan Opera’s high definition version of Così Fan Tutte, which screened last Saturday in the Vallecito Room, showed diversity to all colors and personalities, including what some consider comic circus freaks.

The Metropolitan Opera’s high definition version of Così Fan Tutte, which screened last Saturday in the Vallecito Room, showed diversity to all colors and personalities, including what some consider comic circus freaks. The mixture of two sopranos, tenor, and bass voices communicated harmonic conversation to carry the plot.   The set individually rotated, exposing a new...

Indy Eats: The Bloom Cafe

By: Coya Pair

The Bloom cafe is a cozy and cultured lunch spot tucked away off Camino Del Rio, near the Animas River and Albertson's parking lot.


The Bloom cafe is a cozy and cultured lunch spot tucked away off Camino Del Rio, near the Animas River and Albertson's parking lot. The cafe has a fenced, landscaped patio, and the inside is decorated with colorful paintings and stained glass. I was greeted by the kindest staff, and met the owner, Andrew Krull. I can almost guarantee that anyone who eats here will have the urge to...

Video: Fort Lewis College Presidential Search Student Forum

By Ryan Simonovich

Watch the full recording of the event. 

The Independent hosted a student forum Thursday about the college presidential search. The panelists included three members of the search committee: Michael Valdez, Dustin Fink, and Sue Kraus; as well as Board of Trustees member Steve Short. Watch the recording of the event.                          ...

Humane Pork Now Served at Fort Lewis College

By Becca Day

Humane pork is the latest Real Food Challenge Vote Real item that students selected at Fort Lewis College.


Humane pork is the latest Real Food Challenge Vote Real item that students selected at Fort Lewis College.   Humane food is about the humane treatment of animals that are used for meat, Rachel Landis, coordinator of the Environmental Center, said.   “It's everything from how they're raised, to how their slaughtered, to how they’re processed, and...
