What to Watch on Netflix This Month - November 2018

By Teal Lehto

What's good--or not--according to Teal Lehto. 

American Horror Story: Cult (Season 7) A+ This season of “American Horror Story” (AHS) is more disturbing than any other so far. This is because, unlike all of the other AHS seasons, it does not revolve around any kind of supernatural or paranormal phenomena. It simply focuses on the development of a cult as a result of those empowered by the election of President Donald Trump....

Mental Health Disorders on the Rise at College Campuses

Kim Cassels

The amount of students who visit the Fort Lewis College counseling center has increased every year over the past few years, and campus counselors credit the increased numbers to a declining stigma around mental health disorders..

The amount of students who visit the Fort Lewis College counseling center has increased every year over the past few years, and campus counselors credit the increased numbers to a declining stigma around mental health disorders.. Seasonal affective disorder, which usually arises during fall and winter, shares similarities to mental health issues and there are many ways to combat both....

Spanish and sociology departments combine to create new major

Meritt Drake

In response to program cuts and budget changes at Fort Lewis College, the Spanish department moved to the sociology and human services department to create a new major, Borders and Languages, which offers classes in spanish which cover social and cultural issues.

In response to program cuts and budget changes at Fort Lewis College, the Spanish department moved to the sociology and human services department to create a new major, Borders and Languages, which offers classes in spanish which cover social and cultural issues. The idea for the program came in part from work done between the sociology and Spanish departments by Fitzgerald’s father,...

Leaders in Climate Change Share Solutions at FLC

Benjamin Mandile

The Fort Lewis College Environmental Center hosted a climate change forum with time for questions afterward, Tuesday, Oct. 30, for members of the community to learn about the science of climate change and to learn about solutions to fix it.

The Fort Lewis College Environmental Center hosted a climate change forum with time for questions afterward, Tuesday, Oct. 30, for members of the community to learn about the science of climate change and to learn about solutions to fix it. The event featured speakers who work in the field of climate change including Karin Kirk, Katharine Heyhoe, Julie Levy Duvall and Dr. Travis...

What You Need to Know About the 2018 Colorado Midterm Elections

Max Rodgers

Colorado’s 2018 midterm election on Nov. 6 has 13 ballot initiatives. Eight of those are amendments to the state constitution and the remaining five are proposals.

Colorado’s 2018 midterm election on Nov. 6 has 13 ballot initiatives. Eight of those are amendments to the state constitution and the remaining five are proposals. Colorado state amendments may be referred to the voters by a two-thirds vote by the General Assembly while a proposal is referred to state voters by a majority vote in the General Assembly. The Fort Lewis Political...
