The Red Deal reaches out in Farmington

By Kim Cassels Indy Staff Writer

The Red Nation, a movement for global decolonization and environmental protection, made its way to Farmington, NM in late September.

The Red Nation, a movement for global decolonization and environmental protection, made its way to Farmington, NM in late September.  The Red Nation website defines decolonization as “the action and practice of dismantling harmful structures of power, reclaiming previous subjectivities, and envisioning a future built on previous and current understandings of compassion, relation,...

Tom Stritikus' Town Hall Meeting

By: Charlotte Williams Indy Staff Writer

Fort Lewis College President Tom Stritikus presented a campus evaluation at the first Town Hall meeting Oct. 3.

Fort Lewis College President Tom Stritikus presented a campus evaluation at the first Town Hall meeting Oct. 3.  The public forum sought to inform the community about the state of the college.  Lauren Savage, FLC media relations coordinator, described the event as a “data dive,” looking into the statistics of various topics such as enrollment and budget...

Students discuss diversity with President Stritikus at Student Senate meeting

By: Ethan Hale Indy Staff Writer

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College were met with over an hour of public participation by students addressing diversity on campus at their regular meeting Oct. 2. 

ASFLC performed a preliminary vote on the creation of a diversity council. This hypothetical vote was unanimous and the real vote will occur Wednesday. 



The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College were met with over an hour of public participation by students addressing diversity on campus at their regular meeting Oct. 2. FLC President Tom Stritikus was present at the meeting to address multiple topics including the expected creation of a Diversity Collaborative designed to share a variety of student perspectives with school...

WellPac contributions to Healthy Campus Week

By: Barbara Edwards Indy Staff Writer

Healthy Campus Week is an annual national event put on at universities around the country by Partnership for a Healthier America, including Fort Lewis College where students and faculty joined together to start the academic year on a healthy note. 

Healthy Campus Week is an annual national event put on at universities around the country by Partnership for a Healthier America, including Fort Lewis College where students and faculty joined together to start the academic year on a healthy note.  PHA partnered with FLC  recreational services, campus dining and the Wellness Peer Advisory Council to provide students with focused...

A Conservative Voice on Campus, Will Witt Visits FLC

By: Charlotte Williams Indy Staff Writer

A conservative speaker by the name of Will Witt visited Fort Lewis College on Sept. 19 in Noble 130 with the intention to discuss free speech and other topics on college campuses. 

A conservative speaker by the name of Will Witt visited Fort Lewis College on Sept. 19 in Noble 130 with the intention to discuss free speech and other topics on college campuses.  At his speech, Witt received an audience who listened while he discussed a wide variety of issues concerning climate change, abortion, religion, standing up for one’s beliefs, and free speech, with a...
