One Door Closes, Another Opens: The Resignation and Replacement of a Head Football Coach

Story by Carter Solomon

Wed. Jan. 9, Cesar Rivas-Sandoval announced his resignation from the position of head coach of the football program at Fort Lewis College. Rivas-Sandoval was the head coach at FLC for 3 seasons, with 15 years of college coaching and playing experience. Rivas-Sandoval also helped lead FLC to its first winning season in 20 years as the defensive coordinator during the...

Snowdown 2013

Get Ready to Get Geeky

Story by Bob Brockley Photos by Daniel HUppenthal Snowdown, Durango's 35-year-old celebration of all things winter, will honor the nerd this year. For this year's "Get Your Geek On" theme, participants are being encouraged to bring out their pocket protectors, calculators, and thickest glasses. “It will be easy this year. There are so many different types of...

New York Playwright Comes to FLC

Story by Meryl Ramsey

The Fort Lewis College Theatre department has had many inspirational guests, changes, and experiences over the years. This fall Danny Mitarotondo, a director and playwright from New York,  was asked to both teach a playwriting class and direct this year’s production of Why Torture is Wrong and the People Who Love Them, by...

New York Playwright Comes to FLC

Story by Meryl Ramsey

The Fort Lewis College Theatre department has had many inspirational guests, changes, and experiences over the years. This fall Danny Mitarotondo, a director and playwright from New York,  was asked to both teach a playwriting class and direct this year’s production of Why Torture is Wrong and the People Who Love Them, by...
