The Creative Visions of Dan Eldon

Story by Megan West-Fogarty

Open Shutter Gallery, located downtown Durango, is currently displaying work by Dan Eldon, a photojournalist.  In 1993, Eldon died in Somalia while on assignment at the young age of 22. Eldon’s sister and mother continue to carry on his legacy today. Open Shutter Gallery brought in an art exhibit that shows how Eldon’s journals were much more than just words. This exhibit...

The Creative Visions of Dan Eldon

Story by Megan West-Fogarty

Open Shutter Gallery, located downtown Durango, is currently displaying work by Dan Eldon, a photojournalist.  In 1993, Eldon died in Somalia while on assignment at the young age of 22. Eldon’s sister and mother continue to carry on his legacy today. Open Shutter Gallery brought in an art exhibit that shows how Eldon’s journals were much more than just words. This exhibit...

Behind the Blue Light

Story by Meryl Ramsey

Emergencies do not often happen at Fort Lewis College, but if one were to arise, a student has the option of using the call boxes located throughout campus for fast and easy help.      “They are for emergency purposes and when a person pushes the red button, the call is directed to the 911 dispatch, here in Durango,” said Arnold Trujillo, the chief of police at...

Fringe Sport is Spreading Its Wings

Story by Bob Brockley

BASE jumpers, who engage in what is widely regarded as the world’s most dangerous recreational activity, have embraced risk and invention for the past 50 years without a lot of fanfare. The sport has roots in skydiving, but athletes launch from cliffs, buildings, and antennas instead of airplanes. “There is basically no carbon footprint, and we get to go hiking when we...

Snow Removal on Campus

Story by Bob Brockley

Durango experiences many stormy mornings, leaving the sidewalks covered in snow, and many students do not notice that by the time they arrive on campus, there are virtually dry sidewalks and snow removal has been taken care of before classes begin.

“If they never notice us, but arrive in the parking lot and walk to class without getting the tops of their shoes wet, then great” said Eric Lipp, a grounds supervisor at Fort Lewis College.  “That means we are doing our job.”

Durango experiences many stormy mornings, leaving the sidewalks covered in snow, and many students do not notice that by the time they arrive on campus, there are virtually dry sidewalks and snow removal has been taken care of before classes begin. “If they never notice us, but arrive in the parking lot and walk to class without getting the tops of their shoes wet, then great”...
