Catcalling is Not a Compliment

Opinion by Julia Volzke

Hi. My name is Julia Volzke, and I am a 20 year old woman who has been catcalled, or by the politically-correct term street harassed, multiple times in my life. Now, I know that this sounds extreme, but if you had to stand in the shoes that over half the planet has had to, you’d have a problem too. Just walking down the street sometimes can be uncomfortable. I’m the type of girl that does not see if a person is checking me out. I look straight ahead, and I just don’t think about it. I ignore and keep walking because I just don’t want to see it.

Hi. My name is Julia Volzke, and I am a 20 year old woman who has been catcalled, or by the politically-correct term street harassed, multiple times in my life. Now, I know that this sounds extreme, but if you had to stand in the shoes that over half the planet has had to, you’d have a problem too. Just walking down the street sometimes can be uncomfortable. I’m the type of girl...

Sociology Club Assissting in Black Mesa

Story by Catherine Wheeler and Sean Summers, Image by Hanna Madera

The Fort Lewis College Sociology Club has organized a caravan to Black Mesa in northern Arizona to benefit displaced indigenous peoples.

The Fort Lewis College Sociology Club has organized a caravan to Black Mesa in northern Arizona to benefit displaced indigenous peoples. The purpose of the trip is to help families that have been relocated from their lands, Tomlyn Foran, a sociology club member, said. The families relocated after the U.S. government seized their lands and livestock in the 1970s for strip...

Theatre Auditions: Spring Productions

Story by Lauren Hammond, Photo by Charine Gonzales

The theatre department at Fort Lewis College is nearly finished with their productions for the fall semester of 2014. However, the theatre department held auditions for their spring productions today and will hold them again tomorrow.  

The theatre department at Fort Lewis College is nearly finished with their productions for the fall semester of 2014. However, the theatre department held auditions for their spring productions today and will hold them again tomorrow.   Spring Semester Productions The first performance, “A Chekhovian Sonata,” is a collection of three love stories that will be...

Black Friday on Thanksgiving

Opinion by Remi Majeski

Every year, around the time Halloween is upon us, we start seeing ads about the supposedly amazing, doorbuster deals the upcoming Black Friday offers. After all, Black Friday is only a month away from Halloween, and even though we’ve grown up with the chaos that comes with it, we need to be reminded well in advance. I started noticing a change in the norm of Black Friday a few years ago, however that only seems to escalate every season, as Black Friday is now beginning on Thanksgiving.

Every year, around the time Halloween is upon us, we start seeing ads about the supposedly amazing, doorbuster deals the upcoming Black Friday offers. After all, Black Friday is only a month away from Halloween, and even though we’ve grown up with the chaos that comes with it, we need to be reminded well in advance. I started noticing a change in the norm of Black Friday a few years...

Wednesday with The ASFLC: Nov. 12

Story by Dan Riley, Catharine Wheeler, and Sean Summers, Photo by Catharine Wheeler

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College, Fort Lewis College’s student body government, met for its weekly meeting on Wednesday evening.

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College, Fort Lewis College’s student body government, met for its weekly meeting on Wednesday evening. Purpose of the Organization The ASFLC thoroughly discussed its role as an institution and governing body for the students of FLC. The ASFLC’s mission statement reads: “The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College, acting with...
