Colorado Conservatives Push Against Publicly Funded IUDs

Story by Alison Uralli Graphic by Julia Volzke

The Colorado Family Planning Initiative, an organization that helps lower the cost of contraception, is facing difficulty from state Republicans who argue that intrauterine devices are a form of abortion.  The state of Colorado does not have the jurisdiction to fund abortions.

The Colorado Family Planning Initiative, an organization that helps lower the cost of contraception, is facing difficulty from state Republicans who argue that intrauterine devices are a form of abortion.  The state of Colorado does not have the jurisdiction to fund abortions.   IUDs like the Mirena and Skyla mainly work by causing the mucus in the female cervix to thicken so...

Advocacy and The Visibility of Issues

Story by Lauren S. Hammond Graphic by Julia Volzke

As a young political scientist it is important for me to remind myself that it is easy to be political. The trouble is you do not even have to try to be political. To paraphrase Aristotle, I am human, I am inherently political.


As a young political scientist it is important for me to remind myself that it is easy to be political. The trouble is you do not even have to try to be political. To paraphrase Aristotle, I am human, I am inherently political.   I hate when people say that something is political when talking within the realm of politics. Of course it is political, it is politics. It is the nature...

Keystone XL: Senate Fails to Override Veto

Story by Catherine Wheeler and Luke Perkins Graphic by Julia Volzke

The recent failure by the U.S. Senate to override President Barack Obama’s veto of the Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act has opened the door for fresh criticism from environmental advocates to Republican critics.


The recent failure by the U.S. Senate to override President Barack Obama’s veto of the Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act has opened the door for fresh criticism from environmental advocates to Republican critics. “There is always backlash for whatever the other side does,” Brad Clark, associate professor of political science and faculty affiliate with the Environmental...

OP Offers Various Spring Break Opportunities

Story by Jarred Green

Outdoor Pursuits, Fort Lewis College's outdoor activities center, is providing travel opportunities for students interested in being active during spring break.


Outdoor Pursuits, Fort Lewis College's outdoor activities center, is providing travel opportunities for students interested in being active during spring break.   OP has three events scheduled during spring break, Lisa Ivester, intern at OP, said. They are backpacking in Cedar Mesa in Utah, participating in a San Juan River service project and going on a sea kayaking excursion...

The Vagina Monologues and Social Activism

Opinion by Hanna Maddera Photo Slideshow by Sean Summers

On top of my usual workload with The Independent, school and work, I am heavily involved in Feminist Voice, a Registered Student Organization on campus. I truly value the outcomes of the projects that the wonderful ladies in the club take on.


On top of my usual workload with The Independent, school and work, I am heavily involved in Feminist Voice, a Registered Student Organization on campus. I truly value the outcomes of the projects that the wonderful ladies in the club take on.   Last Thursday and Friday at the Durango Arts Center, Feminist Voice put on a production of “The Vagina Monologues,” a play by...
