
Photos by Allison Anderson

Hawk-a-Palooza and preview weekend was Saturday. Incoming freshmen got a chance to see the Fort Lewis College campus and RSOs available. Games and events were postponed due to weather, but later resumed.


Story by Carolyn Estes Graphic by Allison Anderson


Hawk-a-Palooza is an annual event that Fort Lewis College’s Student Union Productions plans with activities for students to come, relax and have fun.

  When: Saturday, April 9 What: Hawk-a-Palooza Where: On campus Why: To have fun and relax Cost: FREE!   Hawk-a-Palooza is an annual event that Fort Lewis College’s Student Union Productions plans with activities for students to come, relax and have fun.   Activities   Hawk-a-Palooza is an outdoor...

Fort Lewis College Implements its New Credit Plan

Article by Alex Semadeni

April 4 marks the first day that students can register for classes next term. With the new credit change that is occurring, the registration had to be pushed back to allow the administration and departments to complete their transition plans.


Fort Lewis College is now implementing their four-credit to three-credit change Student registration was postponed to accommodate for the new credit system. The new credit system may require students to take five classes a semester to graduate in four years. Despite faculty resistance to the credit change, it was implemented. FLC professors encourage...

Get off of the Couch

Opinion by Nic Hassinger Graphic by Julia Volzke

The trick to getting the most out of college is to not fall into a routine. A routine is the killer of progress. A routine is what makes you sit around the house on a sunny day watching Netflix. A routine is what makes you hang out with the same three people for your entire college career. A routine is what keeps you complacent. By avoiding it, your life is guaranteed to have at least a little more excitement.

  The trick to getting the most out of college is to not fall into a routine. A routine is the killer of progress. A routine is what makes you sit around the house on a sunny day watching Netflix. A routine is what makes you hang out with the same three people for your entire college career. A routine is what keeps you complacent. By avoiding it, your life is guaranteed to have at...
