The Cost of Manning Up

Story and Graphic by Luke Perkins


At one point or another most men have been told they needed to “man up”, “grow a pair” or “tough it out” when faced with emotional or psychological trauma.


Key Points The study of masculinity has allowed gender studies to be more inclusive in its examination of genders effects on individuals Performance of gender can change based on context of interactions Stigma of inadequacy is commonly attached to individuals who seek counseling for emotional and psychological issues Differing social expectations causes this...

Higher Education Budget Cuts

Story by Mickey Snowdon Graphic by Julia Volzke

DURANGO- Governor Hickenlooper has proposed a budget plan for the 2016-17 fiscal year that directly cuts $20 million from Colorado higher education. The proposal is in response to the state's $373 million shortcoming in 2016's budget. Fort Lewis College may raise tuition in response.

What you need to know: Gov. Hickenlooper's budget proposal cuts $20 mil from CO higher ed FLC would have to raise tuition 13.6 percent to cover loss FLC's VP of Finance said, "Next year we'll increase tuition" FLC Student Body Pres sponsors #COState48 petition, urging students to protest the cut FLC Provost supports petition and...

FLC Art & Design Professors Encourage Students to Start Careers Now

Story by Erin Renner

Fort Lewis College art and design professors Shawn Meek and Paul Booth encourage students to submit designs to shows and competitions while they are still undergraduates. This provides undergraduate art students greater opportunities to get noticed by employers and to make a name for themselves.

  Fort Lewis College art and design professors Shawn Meek and Paul Booth encourage students to submit designs to shows and competitions while they are still undergraduates. This provides undergraduate art students greater opportunities to get noticed by employers and to make a name for themselves.   Better to Start Now Than Later   Many people may think that...

Bad Feminism

Opinion and Graphic by Julia Volzke

I identify as a feminist. There I said it. I am a proud feminist woman and I do not care who knows it.


I identify as a feminist. There I said it. I am a proud feminist woman and I do not care who knows it.   I’ve come across people lately that, when I say that I’m a feminist, get the wrong idea about me. They have this preconceived idea of what a feminist is. Because of this, they judge me for being a feminist instead of getting to know me and seeing what type of feminist...
