Durango 2016 Zombie Crawl

Photos by Catie Welch

The Zombie Crawl is Halloween tradition in Durango. It's a time where everyone in town can parade down the street showing off their costume and getting that spooky experience of walking with a hoard. This year's Zombie Crawl fell on a Monday night, but that did not seem to dampen the spirits of those who participated. 

The Zombie Crawl is Halloween tradition in Durango. It's a time where everyone in town can parade down the street showing off their costume and getting that spooky experience of walking with a hoard. This year's Zombie Crawl fell on a Monday night, but that did not seem to dampen the spirits of those who participated.

Hunger for Horror: Why do we Crave Fear?

Story by Kaleigh Dixson

With Halloween creeping around the corner, many may find themselves in a scramble for a scare, whether it be through haunted houses or scary movies. But why is it that people yearn to feel fear?


The psychological experience behind fear   With Halloween creeping around the corner, many may find themselves in a scramble for a scare, whether it be through haunted houses or scary movies. But why is it that people yearn to feel fear?   Megan Wrona, a professor of psychology at Fort Lewis College, said fear is a versatile emotion which evokes great excitement and...

The ASFLC: Increasing the Student Activity Fee

Story by Izzy Farrell Photo by Jarred Green

A resolution to increase the student activity fee by $1.10 for the 2017-2018 school year was passed at the ASFLC meeting on Wednesday.


A resolution to increase the student activity fee by $1.10 for the 2017-2018 school year was passed at the ASFLC meeting on Wednesday.   The fee is intended to offset deficits and increase RSO funding, according to Resolution 16-041.     The fee, which had been previously discussed at the October 5th meeting, passed unanimously.      Before the...

RSO Spotlight: Beta Alpha Psi, Economics Club and Animas Chapter Association for Women Geologists

Story by Allison Young

As a way of chronicling the student experience at Fort Lewis College The Independent will be running a series of articles spotlighting the Registered Student Organizations on Campus. The RSOs chosen for each article are randomly generated and featured in the order they were chosen.

As a way of chronicling the student experience at Fort Lewis College The Independent will be running a series of articles spotlighting the Registered Student Organizations on Campus. The RSOs chosen for each article are randomly generated and featured in the order they were chosen.   Students at FLC have the potential to receive the full college experience through involvement in...

Duranghosts and Ghouls: Halloween in Durango

Story by Travis Good and Masheli Thompson Photos by Jarred Green

Halloween is fast approaching and Durango has several safe but spooky festivities planned, including the Zombie March in town and the haunted house at FLC.


Halloween is fast approaching and Durango has several safe but spooky festivities planned, including the Zombie March in town and the haunted house at FLC.   Halloween on the Hill   FLC has a haunted house open from 6:30 to 10 p.m on Oct. 26 and 27 at the FLC Student Union ballroom, Grace Chang, FLC Student Union Productions coordinator, said. Admission is $5 dollars for...
