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Martin Luther King Jr. March Martin Luther King Jr. March

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 | Junior Parrish

Martin Luther King Jr. March

Fort Lewis students and staff honor the civil rights leader

Why Does the Sticker Stick with you? Why Does the Sticker Stick with you?

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | Izzy Mora

Why Does the Sticker Stick with you?

From bumpers to bottles, Fort Lewis expresses itself through stickers

The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity
The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Friday, January 17, 2025
Aleyna Kleinhaus

The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Indigenous Adventure fund helps close the gap on accessibility

Seasonal Blues
Seasonal Blues

Friday, January 17, 2025
Izzy Mora and Zara Tucker

Seasonal Blues

Fort Lewis Experts break down Seasonal Depression

Keep Your Sleep
Keep Your Sleep

Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Steven Ben

Keep Your Sleep

How sleep affects you, physically and mentally. 

Winter is Coming
Winter is Coming

Monday, January 13, 2025
Zara Tucker

Winter is Coming

The Science Behind Staying Warm

All News

Snowdown 2017 Recap

Story by Matthew Roy Photo by Traven Halley

Snowdown 2017 has now come and gone. Princess Leias and Darth Vaders have reverted back to their normal, everyday lives and selves. All that is left behind are wild, vivid memories and a hankering for next year.


Snowdown 2017 has now come and gone. Princess Leias and Darth Vaders have reverted back to their normal, everyday lives and selves. All that is left behind are wild, vivid memories and a hankering for next year. “It was a lot more festive,” said Christian Ramos, Fort Lewis College senior and third-year attendee of snowdown. “You either committed to the whole intergalactic...

RSO Highlights: FLC Comedy club and AISES

Story by Shandiin Ramsey graphic by Hannah Maddera

As a way of chronicling the student experience at Fort Lewis College The Independent will be running a series of articles spotlighting the Registered Student Organizations on Campus. The RSOs chosen for each article are randomly generated and featured in the order they were chosen.


As a way of chronicling the student experience at Fort Lewis College The Independent will be running a series of articles spotlighting the Registered Student Organizations on Campus. The RSOs chosen for each article are randomly generated and featured in the order they were chosen. FLC Comedy Club The Fort Lewis Comedy Club is an RSO  on campus that is open to anyone who wants to...

Men’s Club Ice Hockey fills Cancelled Games with Community Efforts

Story by Davis Deussen Photo by Jarred Green

The Fort Lewis College men’s club ice hockey team had their games against Colorado Christian University cancelled over the weekend.


  The Fort Lewis College men’s club ice hockey team had their games against Colorado Christian University cancelled over the weekend.   Cancellation   “Due to Colorado Christian’s inability to field a full roster for the spring semester, they weren’t able to come down and field a team for our games as scheduled for this weekend,” Tim...

KDUR New Music Review: Plague Vendor and The Regrettes

Article by Douglas DuPont Photo by Jarred Green

Greetings, reader. My name is Douglas. I’ve been serving on KDUR’s board of directors since my freshman year at Fort Lewis College, and a musicophile since Smash Mouth's All Star. As of late I’ve been working closely with the Music Department. I feel inclined to bring The Independent reviews of two killer records every two weeks. Welp, let’s get this mudfight underway. First up is…


Greetings, reader. My name is Douglas. I’ve been serving on KDUR’s board of directors since my freshman year at Fort Lewis College, and a musicophile since Smash Mouth's All Star. As of late I’ve been working closely with the Music Department. I feel inclined to bring The Independent reviews of two killer records every two weeks. Welp, let’s get this mudfight...

Climate Change Lectures at Fort Lewis College

Story by Ryan Simonovich Photo by Jarred Green

Southwest Colorado could face many different climate scenarios, speakers said at the Life-Long Learners Lecture series on Thursday in Noble Hall 130 at Fort Lewis College.

Southwest Colorado could face many different climate scenarios, speakers said at the Life-Long Learners Lecture series on Thursday in Noble Hall 130 at Fort Lewis College.   Marcie Bidwell, executive director of the Mountain Studies Institute, and Renee Rondeau, an ecologist at the Colorado Natural Heritage Program, were invited to give the lecture created by the Professional...
