The Latest

Martin Luther King Jr. March Martin Luther King Jr. March

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 | Junior Parrish

Martin Luther King Jr. March

Fort Lewis students and staff honor the civil rights leader

Why Does the Sticker Stick with you? Why Does the Sticker Stick with you?

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | Izzy Mora

Why Does the Sticker Stick with you?

From bumpers to bottles, Fort Lewis expresses itself through stickers

The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity
The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Friday, January 17, 2025
Aleyna Kleinhaus

The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Indigenous Adventure fund helps close the gap on accessibility

Seasonal Blues
Seasonal Blues

Friday, January 17, 2025
Izzy Mora and Zara Tucker

Seasonal Blues

Fort Lewis Experts break down Seasonal Depression

Keep Your Sleep
Keep Your Sleep

Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Steven Ben

Keep Your Sleep

How sleep affects you, physically and mentally. 

Winter is Coming
Winter is Coming

Monday, January 13, 2025
Zara Tucker

Winter is Coming

The Science Behind Staying Warm

All News

LARPing at Fort Lewis College

Kimberly Cassels

Fort Lewis College had a live action role playing event by the clock tower Wednesday Sep. 26. The theme for the LARP was Game of Thrones.  

Fort Lewis College had a live action role playing event by the clock tower Wednesday Sep. 26. The theme for the LARP was Game of Thrones.   Participants split into different Game of Thrones houses. Two of the houses, the Targaryens and Starks, played capture the flag, battling one another with foam swords and daggers along with duct taped cardboard shields, Carson O’Brien,...

Fort Lewis College Cycling Puts on a Performance at Nationals

Mandy Lorenson

Over the weekend of September 8th, the Fort Lewis College cycling team competed at Nationals in Colorado Springs where James Hilyer took first place and the rest of the cycling team took third place.

Over the weekend of September 8th, the Fort Lewis College cycling team competed at Nationals in Colorado Springs where James Hilyer took first place and the rest of the cycling team took third place. The FLC cycling team is registered with USA Cycling and category three riders or higher are eligible to participate, said Missy Thompson, part-time coach for the cycling team. “When...

Fort Lewis College Campus Blotter

Benjamin Mandile

The Fort Lewis College Campus Police released a crime log detailing incidents occurring from Sept. 11 to Sept. 16 on campus. 

The Fort Lewis College Campus Police relased a crime log detailing incidents occuring from Sept. 11 to Sept. 16 on campus.  Tuesday, September 11 at 4:25 p.m. Police responded to call at 125 Talon Lane that was made concerning obstruction of justice. The call was unfounded. Wednesday, September 12 at 5:52 p.m. Police responded to a call at 125 Talon Lane about a mental...

Outdoor Pursuits Begins New School Year with New Programming

Max Rodgers

Fort Lewis College will no longer charge additional membership fees for Outdoor Pursuits and intramural sports this year because of changes to program funding. Negotiations are still in the works between for the purchase of rafting company’s equipment and river permits for enhanced academic programs, said assistant director of Recreational Services Brett Davis.  

Fort Lewis College will no longer charge additional membership fees for Outdoor Pursuits and intramural sports this year because of changes to program funding. Negotiations are still in the works between for the purchase of rafting company’s equipment and river permits for enhanced academic programs, said assistant director of Recreational Services Brett Davis.   Fee Changes with...

Flickinger, an FLC Cyclist, Survives and Thrives

Article by: Kimberly Cassels Photo by: Weston Flickinger

On May 1, 2018, Weston Flickinger, a cyclist for Fort Lewis College’s cycling team, was riding with his teammates to train for a race when he was hit by a pickup truck on 32nd Street in Durango.

On May 1, 2018, Weston Flickinger, a cyclist for Fort Lewis College’s cycling team, was riding with his teammates to train for a race when he was hit by a pickup truck on 32nd Street in Durango. The driver was coming from the opposite direction and turned left into Flickinger’s path before ever seeing the cyclist, Flickinger said. He was riding his bike at roughly 25 miles...
