Wednesday with The ASFLC: Nov. 12

Wednesday with The ASFLC: Nov. 12

Story by Dan Riley, Catharine Wheeler, and Sean Summers, Photo by Catharine Wheeler

Thursday, November 13, 2014 | Number of views (6429)

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College, Fort Lewis College’s student body government, met for its weekly meeting on Wednesday evening.

Purpose of the Organization

The ASFLC thoroughly discussed its role as an institution and governing body for the students of FLC.

The ASFLC’s mission statement reads:

“The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College, acting with exemplary character, originality, and in harmony with the values of the College Community, will respectfully advocate for a student-centered agenda promoting general well-being, effective communication, informed leadership and efficient use of student resources.”

The ASFLC discussed the idea of rewriting the mission to better align its vision as a student governing body.

“Our purpose is to serve as an intermediary between the students and the administration,” said Alex Thompson, a student senator of the ASFLC.

Their role as senators is to bring accurate information to the students of FLC, Scott Greenler, the ASFLC president, said.

“Our role is to be informed,” Greenler said.

Many ideas were brought to the table by the student senators. They mainly discussed ways to improve their representation of the students of FLC by building campus-wide awareness of the organization.

Thompson brought up questions about the purpose of student senate, how it serves the student body and how it can improve.

The table addressed the questions that Thompson presented.

Senators offered insight into the function of the ASFLC. They concluded that their primary function is to act as a liaison between students and the administration.

Other Announcements

For the first time since the inception of the ASFLC, the organization has lobbied to the Colorado State Senate, making their stance known on issues such as the Campus Safety and Accountability Act, Thompson said.

The city transportation officials took an ASFLC resolution into account when they made the decision to charge $1 to ride the Main Street Trolley, Senator Chase Gaumond said.

The college has released two apps in the App Store for iPhone and Android, Senator TJ Trump said. The apps are titled “Fort Lewis College” and “Fort Lewis College Library.”


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