Wednesday with ASFLC: Sept. 17th

Wednesday with ASFLC: Sept. 17th

Story by Catherine Wheeler, Lauren Hammond, and Whitney Kidd, Photo by Andrew Lovell

Thursday, September 18, 2014 | Number of views (7215)

Associated Students of Fort Lewis College had their regular meeting Wednesday evening.  As one of the first meetings of the school term, the meeting was rather brief at just over an hour.  

New Appointment

Non-traditional FLC student Matthew Tucker was voted into the Senate Wednesday night without objection.

Tucker is bringing years of experience to the Senate table.

ASFLC Vice President Phil Carter said that Tucker has owned his own small business for several years and provides experience with budgeting.  

The addition of Tucker to the Senate comes after the withdrawal of previously filled seats. There were “vacant seats that dropped out over the summer,” Carter said. 

Meeting Topics 

“One of our primary functions is to allocate the student fees,” Carter said.  

This is where Tucker’s experience could prove to be valuable, he said.  

Carter said that budgeting will be especially important this year due to enrollment being slightly under what was projected.  

Additionally, the Colorado State Senate’s House Bill 14-1319, and the allocation of money at Fort Lewis College was a topic of discussion at the ASFLC meeting Wednesday evening.   

The bill states “the creation of an outcomes-based funding model for higher education, and in connection therewith, making and reducing appropriations.” 


The bill sparked a heated discussion of how funding in higher education in Colorado should be divided, Carter said.

Colorado Student Government Coalition


ASFLC President Scott Greenler commented on his “major mission” for his term: the Colorado Student Government Coalition.  

The purpose of the CSGC is to provide a “strong lobbying body for the student governments of higher education,” Greenler said.  

The coalition will allow for the students of higher education to effectively have more of a voice in the state government, he said. 

CSGC is a group comprised of the student government organizations of 12 higher education institutions in the state of Colorado, Greenler said.  

“The unity of voice gives us strength,” he said.

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