Wednesday with ASFLC: Oct. 8th

Wednesday with ASFLC: Oct. 8th

Story by Catherine Wheeler, Lauren Hammond, and Sean Summers, Photo by Andrew Lovell

Thursday, October 9, 2014 | Number of views (7966)

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College meeting on Wednesday addressed issues with increased price for Durango’s public transportation system and the study abroad exchange program at FLC.


Chase Gaumond, a senator on the ASFLC, introduced the topic of his work on the Multi-Modal Advisory Board.

“To give some background on what this is, you have a pretty unique trail system, transit system, trolley system, bridges and sidewalks,” Gaumond said.

“It’s all a part of of the multi-modal transit system, all types of movement mechanisms for Durango,” he said.

Currently, new problems are arising for the trolley system.

“By 2017, the trolley would no longer be able to operate, unless a funding mechanism is created,” Gaumond said.

Durango is considering making the trolley fees $1 per ride, which would be enough to stabilize the trolley’s funding, he said.

The initial funding came from parking meter rates, but those funds have been allocated to other projects, Gaumond said.

The ASFLC is considering putting forth a resolution regarding the state of the trolley and their opinion of what course of action should be taken.

The trolley would remain free to FLC students because of the transit stickers students are provided with every semester.

“I think whatever they need to do to keep it soluble, they should do it,” said Scott Greenler, president of the ASFLC.

The ASFLC believes that their resolution could have a strong impact on this local issue.

Because FLC provides a significant amount of passengers for the transit systems in Durango, the ASFLC’s representation of the student body will be a meaningful opinion, Gaumond said.  

International Programs

FLC plans to increase the number of exchange students. The effort aims to increase both the degree-seeking foreign exchange student coming to FLC and current students going abroad.

“We currently have two really strong exchange programs in Japan,” Greenler said.

The expansion will include countries such as India, China, Brazil and South Korea over the course of the next few years, he said.

FLC wants to begin engaging with students from those countries, he said.

Petition for License Plates

The ASFLC now has petitions to be signed for the creation of Fort Lewis College customized license plates to purchase.

The petition needs 500 signatures with Colorado addresses, said Dr. Glenna Sexton, Vice President of Student Affairs.

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