Update on Gender-Neutral Bathrooms

Update on Gender-Neutral Bathrooms

Story by Livia Hooson, Graphic by Allie Hutto

Tuesday, February 4, 2014 | Number of views (4625)

The bathrooms on the Fort Lewis College campus are going through some changes in order to provide students and faculty who are trans and gender nonconforming with a safe environment.  

The gender-neutral bathrooms on campus were chosen as an Idea for Innovation in November 2013, said Glenna Sexton, the vice president for student affairs.

There was a meeting on Monday, Jan. 27, but the details of the meeting have not been released, said Nancy Stoffer, the Diversity Programing Coordinator at FLC.

It seems there is still work to do in order to get this policy further implemented.

“The official paperwork states that the student senate supports the changing of signs in at least one bathroom in each academic building on campus,” said Charles Eagan, a FLC student, “and for all future building plans a gender neutral bathroom be included.”

Associate Students of FLC (ASFLC) did pass a resolution last semester decreeing that all future buildings have easily accessible gender neutral bathrooms, said Alex Thompson, the ASFLC President.

I have gathered a significant amount of research in regards to the importance of gender-neutral bathrooms on college campuses, Eagan said.

The next step in this policy is to meet with Glenna Sexton in February to pitch the idea and further the progress of the bathrooms, Eagan said.

PRISM has been involved in the discussion and has helped with the issue of making the entire campus knowledgeable of the policy, Eagan said.

There will be more information to come regarding gender-neutral bathrooms on campus and the Independent will be following up on this policy.


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