Two Durango Residents with a Goal: Animas River Clean Up

Two Durango Residents with a Goal: Animas River Clean Up

Story and Photos by Jarred Green

Sunday, November 20, 2016 | Number of views (3793)

On November 19, Durango residents, Arissa Gordon and Kara Weese put together the Animas River Clean Up event where local community members gathered together at Schneider park to clean up the Animas River Trail.


The event had a turnout of about 50 people, Kara Weese, event organizer, said.


Getting Started


"We were picking up trash one day, and then we realized it was a lot of trash for the two of us, and we wanted to do something bigger," Weese said.


Gordon and Weese put the event together very last minute, but it came together well, Arissa Gordon, event organizer, said.


A lot of the supplies used for the event came from local businesses donations, Gordon said.


The railroad station donated gloves and trashbags to help the event, she said.

Local businesses also provided snacks and drinks for those who volunteered, Gordon said.


Getting Involved


"I saw a flyer that advertised the event," Mindi Kondrat, local Durango resident, said.


This is an easy way to contribute to the community, she said.

After breakfast was served at Manna Soup Kitchen, an announcement was made about volunteering for the Animas River Cleanup event, Merrii Maddox, Fort Lewis College Student and Durango resident, said.


"We found it on facebook, and I brought our two kids down, and our good friend," Leticia Rambo, local Durango resident, said. "It feels so rewarding, and I feel so proud of my community and of these young people that are showing up and doing something."


Community Input


When the trash goes unnoticed, it builds up and makes the town look dirty, Allie Spencer, FLC student and Durango resident, said.

"If this were an annual event I would do this every single time," Jasmine Roberts,

FLC student, said.


This is a pretty nice town, and it is cool to be a part of an event that keeps the town looking nice, Maddox said.


"It gives me something to do" Peter Kondrat, Durango resident said. "Instead of staying at home saying, 'what can I do?'"


Events like these really bring people together to do something positive as a community, Mindi Kondrat, local Durango resident, said.


"We want to keep this going annually," Weese said, " "And hopefully when we leave here, we can pass the torch down."


We would like to expand to where it is not just the river kept clean, but all of the trails around town, Gordon said.


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