Tradition TakΣover: Kappa Sigma pushes for recognition at FLC

Tradition TakΣover: Kappa Sigma pushes for recognition at FLC

By Will Charles Indy Staff Writer

Monday, November 2, 2020 | Number of views (8458)


Liam Elliot, interest group leader and sophomore at Fort Lewis College, is wanting to start a fraternity and be a part of a Kappa Sigma Chapter.

Kappa Sigma Durango will begin at Interest Group level, which is when students can come to meetings and see what the chapter is all about, Booth said.

Elliot’s goal is for the group to be able to colonize, a term fraternities use to recruit members, and have their colony kick-off by the end of the semester, he said.

When the group is able to hit 60 members, it can then become a fully fledged charter and officially be considered as a Kappa Sigma Chapter, Elliot said.

“I’d love to just have a tight knit group of guys who are willing and focused on doing the right things for the community,” Elliot said. “The aspect of being close with your brothers while bringing positivity to the area is what’s important to me.”

As an interest group leader, he is in charge of those interested in organizing meetings as well keeping records of those who are interested in joining Kappa Sigma Durango, Elliot said.

Chase Booth was a brother from the Kappa Sigma Chapter at the University of Central Florida, but his job now is to travel the country and start opening more opportunities for those interested in Kappa Sigma, Booth said. 

Booth's job includes facilitating up and coming chapters like Kappa Sigma Durango, which includes presenting meetings and information about the other successful chapters around the nation from other colleges, Booth said.

Elliot would like to reach, 35 to 40 students to become members, Elliot said.

When that number is hit then Kappa Sigma Durango would be able to begin its colony kick-off, Elliot said.

Being considered a colony is the next step after getting at least 35 members to pay the one time fee of $45 to officially become pledged in Kappa Sigma Durango, Elliot said.

When the colony kick-off happens, Kappa Sigma Durango would officially be considered a colony, and a fraternity of Kappa Sigma but still does not mean that the group can be considered a chapter of Kappa Sigma, Elliot said.

Invitations addressing the time and place of these information meetings to become a part of Kappa Sigma Durango first started showing up in Feb., Elliot said.

They wanted to start a chapter here at FLC last semester, but it was not successful because of obstacles such as the COVID-19, and the Associated Student of Fort Lewis College Constitution and bylaws, Elliot said.

There is no specific policy that prohibits greek life, but FLC does prohibit groups that would not be open to the entire student body, Lauren Savage, media relations strategist at FLC, said. 

“For example, an all male and all female greek organization could not become an FLC student organization”, Savage said.

Another reason for pushback on fraternities, is the expectation of hazing. 

Las Cruces Sun-News Reported on Jan 23, 2020 that New Mexico State University had banned its Kappa Sigma Chapter from the school for 5 years after a student was shot in the leg during an initiation event. 

“Students pledging to Kappa Sigma were required to participate in loyalty oaths with guns held to their heads or other parts of their body, according to the report, and the activity included pulling the guns' triggers,” Algernon D'Ammassa, Reporter and Columnist for the Las Cruces Sun-News, said. 

“FLC takes a strong stance against hazing because it is against Colorado law and our student conduct policy no matter the type of organization involved,” Savage said.

Kappa Sigma Durango stands by a complete no tolerance policy on hazing and would respond with an immediate internal response to those involved, Elliot said.

Both Booth and Elliot would like to get recognition from the school, but right now it’s not looking like a reality, Booth said.

As of now, Kappa Sigma Durango is a chapter that is an independent non-affiliated organization, meaning it cannot use FLC in its title because of FLC’s policy on non co-ed groups, Booth said.

A large amount of chapters within Kappa Sigma are unaffiliated with their schools and are successful in their prospect chapters, Booth said.

Twenty-two people have come out to meetings this semester and in the first week of information sessions, there have been seven people who have paid to be a part of the chapter, Booth said.

There have been at least seven sessions this semester and there will be more opportunities for sessions throughout the semester, Elliot said.

Currently there is no chapter house for the members to live in, but that would be up to the group once members do join, Booth said.

Some chapters at other campuses have houses, whereas some chapters do not want a house and can be just as successful, Booth said.

Kappa Sigma Durango wants its members to invite other FLC students so that people from here show they are willing to start a chapter for their community, Booth said.

When Booth was starting in college as a freshman, he had a hard time meeting people but wanted to be a part of something that could really impact the community, he said. 

Booth’s mindset in pushing to make colonies happen at colleges comes from the success garnered around Kappa Sigma through being number one in the nation, he said.


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