Theatre Auditions: Spring Productions

Theatre Auditions: Spring Productions

Story by Lauren Hammond, Photo by Charine Gonzales

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 | Number of views (5511)

The theatre department at Fort Lewis College is nearly finished with their productions for the fall semester of 2014. However, the theatre department held auditions for their spring productions today and will hold them again tomorrow.  

Spring Semester Productions

The first performance, “A Chekhovian Sonata,” is a collection of three love stories that will be held mid-February of 2015.

Directed by Dennis Elkins and Cheryl McFarren, the love stories are based on the writings of 19th century author and playwright, Anton Chekhov. Elkins is the chair of the theatre department and McFarren is a theatre artist and scholar who will be guest directing.

The second play, “The Producers,” a musical, will be performed near the beginning of April 2015. The musical will be directed by Ginny Davis, an associate professor of the theatre department.

“The Producers,” released as a Mel Brooks film in 1986, has been adapted by Brooks and Thomas Meehan into a Broadway performance. The musical’s plot revolves around two theatrical producers who scheme to get rich on what is supposed to be a Broadway flop.

The Audition Process

The auditions will be 90 seconds long and open to the entire campus community, Elkins said. All students, across a variety of departments are welcome and are equally eligible.

The potential cast members can audition for the Sonata, the musical or both.

For “The Producers,” those auditioning will have to sing a song accompanied by piano, Elkins said. The auditionee will also need to prepare a monologue, and if the candidate is only auditioning for the play, he or she will not have to sing.  

The dance auditions will not take place until after Thanksgiving break.  

Chekhov’s “A Chekhovian Sonata” is split into three one-act comedies. “‘The Bear’ and ‘The Marriage Proposal’ are Chekhov one-act comedies. The third piece will be an updated version of one of Chekhov's comedic short stories,” Elkins said.

“Dr. McFarren is an associate professor of theatre from Denison University in Ohio. She will be directing the two one-act plays,” Elkins said. “I will direct the short story made into a play.”

The FLC theatre department collaborated with Dancing Earth Creations, a non-profit organization, to produce “Seed,” their most recent production. Dancing Earth has a goal to encourage and revitalize awareness of diversity through artistic expression for the education and wellness of all peoples.

“Seed was really interesting, and it definitely had a deep message to it, which I thoroughly enjoyed,” said Mckenzie Perdue, an anthropology major at FLC.  

It introduced the concept of diversity here at FLC, and exploring that helped a lot of people see how diverse culture is here at our school, Perdue said.

“I’m really excited for next semesters shows,” she said.


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