The Questions of Constitutionality in California’s Ban on Same Sex Marriage

The Questions of Constitutionality in California’s Ban on Same Sex Marriage

Story by Megan West-Fogarty

Thursday, April 4, 2013 | Number of views (13730)

The two milestone cases, coming from both California and Washington, which have been brought to the Supreme Court about same sex marriage, are staying central to their states.  Although this controversial issue is making news nationwide, there is little chance of a countrywide answer, The Huffington Post reported.

“I think that, while the Supreme Court may take their time on it, America’s made up their mind,” said Charles Eagan, a Fort Lewis College student who himself as transgender.

The more time that is spent listening and reading about the debate, the less time that can be used to actually accomplish something towards this issue, Eagan 

The issues that have come up through the case, started by the California state law that prohibits same sex marriage, rose questions that may have this ban dropped by the US Supreme Court.

The New York Times reported that five of the Supreme Court members may attest the dismissal of the ban, due to the standing that Proposition 8 supporters are missing in their appeal.

This debate on the constitutionality of Prop. 8 has sparked an interest in several social media sights, through which people have been showing their support and views on the issue. According to CNN, the pink and red equality signs, adapted from the Human Right’s Campaign, have been seen by ten million people on Facebook.


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