The ASFLC: RSO Travel and Event Grants

The ASFLC: RSO Travel and Event Grants

Story by Chris Mannara Photo by Jarred Green

Friday, October 21, 2016 | Number of views (4111)

A number of resolutions were passed that granted some RSOs travel budget funding at the ASFLC meeting Wednesday.


Bee Club


The FLC Bee Club were granted an amount of $1,024 by the ASFLC Senate through Resolution 16-042.


The money will be used to fund a trip for 8 students and a faculty member to Galveston, Texas for a beekeeping conference, Hollie Wall Dalenberg, president of the bee club, said.


The fund would be put towards transportation for the students as well as for a hotel room for the students, Dalenberg said.


Research on bees and beekeeping  that was found would be presented to the conference by the FLC Bee Club, Dalenberg said.


The conference, which is being held in January, is a trade show and the bee club wil acquire products that would keep the six beehives on campus thriving, Dalenberg said.


ASFLC Senate ultimately approved the FLC Bee Club for their travel grant by passing the resolution.


Philosophy club at FLC was also approved for a event grant of $1,600 through Resolution 16-043.


This event grant would be used to fund two speakers from various colleges to come speak to students.


Philosophy Club


Professors from The State University of New York and The University of Georgia will be flown in to Durango to speak at a philosophy conference held in the Vallecito Room.


The topics for the discussion would be political philosophy as well as morality and all students are welcome to come, Sean Conte, president of the philosophy club, said


Student Activity Update


Student Activity Fees were proposed to be raised through Resolution 16-044.


The activity fee was proposed to be raised for the 2017-2018 school year.


The increased fee proposal will be used to fund the new Durango Transit contract.


The new transit contract runs from Fall 2017 to the Spring of 2022 and will cost $549,130 over 5 years and will include an increase for Durango Transit of 0.46 cents, Thrasher said.


The total amount raised over that 5 years will be approximately $553,500 to cover the total transit contract, Thrasher said.


The reason for the increase is due to decreased enrollment as well as to fully fund RSOs of all levels on campus, Harrison Thrasher, student senator, said.


The past few years RSOs IIs and III’s budgets have remained stagnant and have even fallen which has limited RSO growth while RSO Is have fully utilized their $16,000 grant pool, Thrasher said,


RSO Levels:




Total Number 2016-2017



Initial allocation of $50 or $100


Bee Club, Cultural Kitchen, Pueblo Alliance, FLC Taekwon-Do Club.


Receives annual budget funded by student activity fees, staff members are considered employees of Fort Lewis College


SUP, WellPAC, The Independent, ASFLC, Club del Centro, Wanbli Ota, Village Aid Project


Receives annual budget funded by student activity fees, staff members are considered employees of the club itself


Environmental Center and KDUR


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