The ASFLC: RSO Punishments

The ASFLC: RSO Punishments

Story by CJ Calvert

Thursday, March 16, 2017 | Number of views (2494)

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met on Wednesday to discuss how Registered Student Organizations that are level II and III will be put on probation for not meeting the requirements stated in the RSO Binding Agreements.


The discussion topic and the resolution were both presented by senator and chair of student services, Ian Fullinwider.


There are three potential ways that the ASFLC have to go about enforcing the RSO Binding Agreements which are based on the attendance of the mandatory meetings and the submissions of the minutes, Fullinwider said.


“The first option is that failing to perform any of those actions will result in a five percent penalty of their next year’s funding,” he said. “Following that, any further failure would result in probation.”


The next option would be to deduct 10 percent for every meeting that is not attended and every set of minutes not submitted and being on probation when that amount accumulates to 50 percent, he said.


The last option was to deduct 10 percent for missed meetings and minutes submission, 5 percent would be deducted until the accumulated amount came to 50 percent, resulting in probation, he said.


Right now, if an RSO misses all meetings and does not submit any minutes, they are put on probation, and if they miss one meeting and miss one set of minutes, they could have the same punishment, he said.


“This is more of a dynamic system to address the issues and make sure they are keeping up with what they are supposed to be doing and being punished accordingly if they are not,” he said.


Most of the ASFLC was in favor of the first option, a five percent penalty for the first time a meeting or set of minutes are missed and then probation and cutting 50 percent of funding, including the director of the Financial Allocation Board, Lauren Smith.


Senators Jordyn Abrams, Sarah Ben and Tucker Houston were in favor of enforcing a 10 percent penalty rather than five percent, and then putting that RSO on probation.


Resolution 17-019 proposed that when an RSO II or III misses a meeting or fails to submit minutes, the RSO receives a 10 percent penalty and then the next meeting or set of minutes missed, that RSO would be on probation.

The resolution passed with only one senator, Cliff Field, in opposition.


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