The ASFLC Meeting: Changing Senior ASFLC Members Credit Requirements Jan. 18

The ASFLC Meeting: Changing Senior ASFLC Members Credit Requirements Jan. 18

Story by Becca Day Photo by Jarred Green

Thursday, January 26, 2017 | Number of views (1462)

ASFLC met Wednesday to discuss and pass Resolution 17-002, debate the use of a Common Grounds Values Statement banner, and discuss FAB Grants.

Resolution 17-002 proposes that seniors be given an exception to the requirement that ASFLC members enroll in at least 12 credit hours.

“For example, last year Scott was our parliamentarian,” Connor Cafferty, ASFLC president said. “He was our former ASFLC president, and he was only taking three credits so he stepped down.”

Before Resolution 17-002, a student couldn’t be a member of ASFLC is they were taking less than 12 credits.

Some federal financial aid laws require that financial aid only be provided for the credits a student needs to graduate, Mason Shea, vice president of ASFLC said.

This would prevent students from taking 12 credits if they were only given financial aid to take six. Seniors also have other things to focus on during their last semester, like graduation or finding a job, and want to spend fewer hours in classes, Shea said.

ASFLC has elected to change the requirements to be a senator, with Resolution 17-002, to address this issue.

If any senator will be graduating in the spring of their elected year they must enroll in at least as many credits as are necessary to graduate per Resolution 17-002.

ASFLC also decided to buy a banner with the Common Ground statement on it, Wednesday night.

In 2011, Common Ground, previously known as Code Red asked the ASFLC to consider implementing their Common Ground statement for the student body.

“Common Ground came and said we have this idea, what does ASFLC think.” Glenna Sexton, advisor and vice president of Student Affairs, said. “After much discussion, ASFLC was on board, passed a resolution, the president at that time then took the resolution to cabinet, cabinet passed it and so it became Fort Lewis College’s.”

The banner will cost $150 and its use will be discussed at the next ASFLC meeting on Feb. 1.

Later at the meeting, the Financial Allocation Board discussed the grants that they may be giving away in the next couple of weeks.

The FAB is setup to give a $600 Travel Grant to the Economics Club at its next meeting, Jan. 25, Lauren Smith, FAB director, said.

FAB is also looking to give away three more grants at its next meeting, which will leave the ASFLC budget under a $1,000 if the grants are approved.  


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