The ASFLC: IFI Recap

The ASFLC: IFI Recap

Story by CJ Calvert Photo by Jarred Green

Thursday, February 2, 2017 | Number of views (4593)

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met Wednesday to discuss the possibility of awarding of two travel grants and reflect on their Ideas for Innovation program that had taken place on Jan. 26.


The discussion on the IFI program was centered around the turnout for IFI and the ideas that were proposed at the program.


Ian Fullinwider, Senator and Chair of Student Services for the ASFLC, led the discussion.


“The top idea was introduced by Michael Bartley for compost on campus,” Fullinwider said, “It got 44 votes, the highest by a lot.”


Other ideas included a reevaluation on the FLC snow day policy with 35 votes and recycling bins in every classroom on campus, Fullinwider said.


The ASFLC should take a strong interest in reevaluating the snow day policy, Senator Dustin Fink said.


“I felt that everyone was talking about either falling or seeing people fall and there is a greater responsibility to our students and faculty beyond education and that is safety,” Fink said.


The ASFLC is going to be pursuing the top ideas like the compost on campus idea, Fullinwider said.


Executing these ideas will require the administration’s cooperation, vice president of the ASFLC Mason Shea said.


The first action that the ASFLC voted on was Resolution 17-005 which was presented by Fullinwider.


This resolution would allow the Chemistry Club to travel to San Francisco to attend the American Chemical Society conference


The Chemistry Club requested $1,600 to cover travel fees and registration fees of six students, Fullinwider said.


The ASFLC voted to approve the travel grant for the Chemistry Club unanimously.


The second action that the ASFLC voted on this week was Resolution 17-006 which was also a travel grant. This would allow the Geology Club to attend the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show was presented by Senator Sarah Ben.


The Geology Club requested $1,424 to cover the cost of travel and hotels for about 20 students, Ben said.


The ASFLC voted to approve the travel grant to send the Geology Club to Tucson, Arizona unanimously.


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