The ASFLC Approves Censures and Quorum Requirements

The ASFLC Approves Censures and Quorum Requirements

Story by CJ Calvert

Thursday, February 16, 2017 | Number of views (3993)

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met on Wednesday to discuss amending their own Constitution.


The first resolution called for the addition of a quorum requirement for passing any resolution in the future and was presented by senator and chair of student services Ian Fullinwider.


A quorum is a minimum number of individuals in an assembly that are required to be at all meetings of that assembly in order for those proceedings of the meeting to be valid.


Before this, there was no quorum requirement for the ASFLC to vote on resolutions.


The amendment ensures that no senate business is conducted with a few senators representing all of FLC, Fullinwider said.


“I am of the mind that four students representing the entirety of Fort Lewis College is not okay,” he said.


Fullinwider requested that the quorum requirement should be six senators out of eleven senators that currently sit at the table.


Resolution 17-008 passed unanimously with the quorum requirement being set at five senators being present at all meetings for any other resolution to be passed after changing the resolution from six to five.


The only form of business that senators can conduct when quorum is not met, is appointing new senators through resolutions to meet the requirement, president of the ASFLC Connor Cafferty said.


Resolution 17-010 was presented by the ASLFC senator Dustin Fink.


A censure may be brought up by a student senator against another member of the ASFLC accused of violating the constitution, Fink said.


The only form of discipline that was in place for a senator of the ASFLC was impeachment, he said.


A censure is a formal statement that is used by an organization to publicly state disapproval of  a member’s behavior, he said.


“There have been incidents in the past where because the only recourse that senate had was impeachment, they chose to do nothing,” he said.


In the ASFLC’s inaction of those past incidents, the senate appeared to condone those behaviors, he said.


The motion to censure is a way for the ASFLC to bridge the gap between doing nothing and impeaching someone, he said.


All censures will be made publicly available to the student body, he said.

Resolution 17-010 passed unanimously and will be added into the ASFLC constitution.


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