Senior Spotlight: Sarah K. Williams

By: Faith Owens

Friday, March 16, 2018 | Number of views (1254)

Q: What is your major of studies?

A: My major is athletic training.

Q: Why did you choose athletic training?

A: Well, I knew I didn’t want to sit in an office all day, therefore I didn’t want to be involved in a business career. I really like sports, along with anatomy and healthcare.

Q: What is your post-graduation plan?


A: I am going to California immediately after graduation. I’m driving up the coast with some friends just to take some time off. Then, I will be traveling to Peru and working for a travel company in June and July. There I will be brushing up on my Spanish a little bit. Then, in August I am going to Kenya, Africa, for a couple weeks. My friend has a nonprofit there called, “She has a Name.” This organization helps young girls get out of poverty-based prostitution. So, we are going to go hang out with those girls for a little bit. After that, I have no idea.


Q: Do you have a ten-year plan or goal?


A: I don’t know if I would necessarily call it a ten-year plan, but I know that I want to live in a Spanish-speaking country for a little while. I know I want to be involved in healthcare somehow. I don’t know if that would necessarily involve injury treatment and prevention, which is what athletic training kind of is. I do know I really feel called to the underserved and the less fortunate. Therefore, I want to somehow use the Spanish language, athletic training and healthcare to serve the underserved. I guess I just don’t know how to get at that point quite yet.

Q: What recreational activities do you take part in?

A: I really enjoy spending time with friends. I love to run, climb, do yoga, and really anything else that is outdoors.


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