The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met Wednesday to discuss the Skyhawks Stay Safe Initiative, and vote on a new senator position.
Skyhawks Stay Safe
ASFLC senator Noah Dodson brought up an initiative to have FLC partner with local bars to create a system where designated drivers are given free non-alcoholic products in return for their service of being a designated driver.
This system hopes to keep drunk driving off the road, Dodson said.
ASFLC senator Walter Potter and Dodson will look into the liability of the program.
Resolution 17-052
Resolution 17-052, sponsored by ASFLC President Dustin Fink, was passed unanimously, which requires ASFLC to approve all grant event grant requests from RSOs over $500.
There was discussion about resolution 17-052 in response to a recent grant request from the Philosophy Club and the level of effort the club put forth in outside fundraising.
The bylaws state that a reasonable effort needs to be made in fundraising, but no dollar amount was outlined, Fink said.
The projection for the 2017-2018 budget had enrollment down 3 percent, while in actuality it is down just over 7 percent, said Fink.
Since there are fewer students paying the student activity fee, the projected budget is still being adjusted, he said.
Resolution 17-051
Potter sponsored resolution 17-051, which would give ASFLC representation to first-semester students. The resolution did not pass with a vote of 8-1.
This resolution would have created a new position for first-semester students, giving them an opportunity to sit at the table and experience student government, Fink said. New people would rotate in each semester, he said.
Being a senator requires a student to have 12 FLC credits as stated in the ASFLC constitution, Dodson said. Currently, the only position a first-semester student can hold on ASFLC without have taken 12 FLC credits is parliamentarian, Dodson said.
A parliamentarian is a member of the senate responsible for knowing the constitutional procedure that ASFLC follow and to keep order at the table, he said.
The resolution will be brought up again at the next ASFLC meeting so the language in the resolution needed to be refined before it could voted on, Dodson said.
Other News
Potter sponsored resolution 17-050, which would appoint Brenner Parriott to the position of senator on the ASFLC.
The ASFLC voted unanimously to appoint Parriott to the position.
Benjamin Mandile is a reporter for The Independent. For continuous campus updates, you can follow him on Twitter at @BenjaminM_indy and The Independent @flcindependent, or visit