Senate Meeting: Jan 23, 2013

Senate Meeting: Jan 23, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013 | Number of views (13391)

Story by Meryl Ramsey

Upcoming Elections

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College has already begun preparations for this semester’s student senate elections.

Nominations for senators will open on Tues. Feb. 5and close on Thurs., March 14,said Tina Zuniga, a senator and the chair of the election committee.

There are seven senator positions open and two executive positions available, Zuniga said.

Candidates will begin campaigning on March 18 and continue through March 29. They will also have the opportunity to participate in a forum, planned for Tues., March 26.

The forum is a chance for the candidates to explain why they want to be senators or executive members, and will possibly be set up as dinner debate in the Student Union, Zuniga said.

The proposed idea of a basketball halftime show was an idea proposed by Mark Mastalski, the advisor and director of the Leadership Center. 

Continuing Hate Crimes on Campus

Another incident of hate speech has been found on campus, said Glenna Sexton, ASFLC advisor and Vice President of Student Affairs.

The latest instance of hate speech graffiti appeared on a wall in the downstairs men’s bathroom in Noble Hall, last semester. 

The school is working to improve patrols and monitoring closely for who may be committing these crimes.

New Senatorial Appointments

·         The following resolutions were approved during the meeting:

o   ASLFC Senate passed the resolution to bring Senator Alex Thompson to the table.

o   ASFLC Senator Dylan Leigh was approved to join the Financial Allocation Board.

o   ASFLC Senator John Toplyn was approved by the Senate to join the Court Justice.

o   ASFLC Senator Tina Zunigawas appointed to be the committee chairman for the Elections Committee.

Committee Spotlight: Student Services

The Durango Transit Survey, designed to gather feedback on the effectiveness and interest in the Durango Transit service, has had over 127 responses and is working to get more responses, said Dylan Leigh, ASFLC senator.

The survey is now being advertised on the transit buses and an incentive of an Osprey backpack will be given to students who fill out the survey, Leigh said.

The committee will be tabling in the Student Union to gather opinions on what changes students would like to see and what they would like left the same regarding the Durango Transit.


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