Recap of the Miss Hozhoni Pageant

Recap of the Miss Hozhoni Pageant

Story and Photos by Lacey Tewanema

Friday, April 14, 2017 | Number of views (5243)

The Miss Hozhoni pageant consisted of four components, three of which were held in the Fort Lewis College Ballroom for the past weeks every Tuesday.


The pageant consisted of an essay, interview, traditional food preparation, traditional and contemporary talents.


Each contestant introduced themselves in their traditional language at the beginning of each pageant component.


The Contestants were Valerie Calabaza, Desiree Dan, Rainy Fox, Jocelyn Frank, Kalea Lee and Natalia Sells.   


“Having people understand because we are going through tough times, with our new president and politics and everything,” Calabaza said. “We really just need to come together as people of all colors and understand.”  


For her traditional food preparation she made a blue corn and wild parsley stew which is a traditional Pueblo food. For Calabaza’s traditional talent she presented traditional jewelry making. Her contemporary talent was a presentation on the significance of running in the pueblo culture.


Contestant Dan’s platform is showing that diversity is good thing. She hopes to show ethnicity should not be a problem, Dan said answering the question about what her platform would be if chosen for Miss Hozhoni.


Dan made traditional Navajo dumpling mutton stew and blue corn bread for her traditional food preparation. Her traditional talent was singing a song she learned from her grandmother called “I am Diné.” For her contemporary talent she demonstrated a zumba dance.


Being a business administration major, Fox’s platform would be teaching the proper business etiquette for native students who want to go back home to the reservation and those who don’t currently know, she said.


Fox’s contemporary and traditional talents were a presentation on her ceramics class and making a star quilt.


“Providing that insight that Fort Lewis College isn’t just about education but it’s about the diversification of how many students come to our school,” Frank said about her platform.   


Singing while reading the National Anthem in Navajo was Frank’s traditional talent. Singing a cover of a song and demonstrating a dance fitness performance was her contemporary talent.


Showing education is a very important aspect in life will be contestant Lee’s platform if chosen for Miss Hozhoni.


Lee presented on the significance of  traditional Navajo woman attire for her traditional talent and different types of crochet as her contemporary talent.


“My platform would be to increase our representation in the Durango community, especially working with the youth here,” contestant Sells said.


Sells presented her skill of weaving a rug as her traditional talent. She then presented photography and short filmmaking as her contemporary talent.


Fox, Frank and Sells each made steamed corn mutton stew as a main dish.  Lee made vegetable stew for her main dish. Fox, Frank and Lee made blue corn meal as a side for their food preparation. Sells made deer meat stir fry and kneel down bread for her side dishes. Frank and Lee both made frybread to go with their stew. Frank added a grilled tortilla and wild tea with her food preparation.

The crowning of Miss Hozhoni 2017-2018 will be Saturday evening at the Hozhoni Days Powwow, Kay Holmes, one of the committee members, said.


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