Netflix: What To Watch This Month

By Teal Lehto

Thursday, February 22, 2018 | Number of views (1247)

Unleashed (2016)

Have you ever wished your dog was a person? Or perhaps you’re more inclined to desire feline companionship? If your answer to either or both of those questions was yes, Unleashed may be the movie for you. This quirky rom-com focuses on a recently dumped app-designer who loses all trust in the male half of our species as a result of the break-up. Then due to some horoscopic mumbo-jumbo her dog and cat materialize into men, whom she proceeds to date until her trust in huMANity is restored. This film is hilarious, but if you’re looking for a mind-bending, horizon-expanding, eye-opener, this is not the film for you.


GLOW (2017)

This show focuses on the true story of the first all-female wrestling show in the 1980’s, and the name derives the original hit series title: Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. This show has it all though. It’s set in the 80’s so of course there’s misogynistic, and coke -addled director running the show who appoints titles to each of the wrestlers, which are almost always highly inappropriate and often-times racist. It’s hilarious, heartbreaking, and gives the viewer a look into the life of professional female wrestlers, and more importantly how their career came to creation despite their struggle for recognition in a world that only wanted to dismiss their dreams because of their gender.


Black Mirror, Season 4 (2017)

In this modern techno-thriller series, every episode is a complete plotline of its own much like a contemporary Twilight Zone. Each riveting episode raises a unique issue posed by recent technological advancements, and the term “black mirror” refers to the reflection one sees when looking at a shut-off phone or computer screen. The new season is features six new episodes, of which the fourth, titled Hang the DJ, is arguably the best. This episode focuses on two users of a new dating-app that has intensely rigid rules, including expiry dates for relationships. This episode includes a plot-twist so deep it may give Inception a run for its money, but all the other episodes are worth a view too!


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