Light up the Night Glow Run

Zara Tucker

Sunday, November 3, 2024 | Number of views (686)

On Oct. 21, Fort Lewis students and community members gathered outside of the Student Life Center as the sun set to prepare for the Glow Run 5km run and 1km walk.

This event has been going on for many years, often in the spring, but this year is a part of the Homecoming Week activities at Fort Lewis College because this time of year is the “red zone,” Taylar Moorhouse, Student Well-Being Coordinator of the Wellness Peer Advisory Council said. 

“‘Red zone’ is when 50% of all campus sexual assaults or sexual violence incidents happen,” Moorhouse said. This is a statistic across all college campuses, she said.

This time period is from the beginning of the year until fall break, Moorhouse said. 

This event serves as an opportunity for survivors to take back the night and bring community together stand up against sexual violence and to learn about resources in a fun way, Moorhouse said. 

This event is hosted through collaboration with WellPAC, Recreational Services at FLC, and the Counseling Center, Moorhouse said.

The event also hosted tabling from a variety of resources available to students, many of which relate to support for survivors of intimate partner violence, including Sexual Assault Services Organization of Durango, Alternative Horizons, the Counseling Center, Title IX, and the Grub Hub, Moorhouse said. 


As the sun sets, course marshals for the 5km run and 1km walk gather in neon vests.


Runners wore shirts and bright accessories including glow sticks, light-up scrunchies, and neon headbands.


Before the race, attendees gather near table booths, learning about resources.


Student Well-being Coordinator Taylar Moorhouse talks to runners before the race, detailing the purpose of the event, defining the “red zone,” and thanking those who made this event possible, including WellPAC, the Counseling Center, and Recreational Services, she said.


A runner wears light-up scrunchies.


Runners participating in the 5km Glow Run line up at the start.


And they’re off!


Tables provide resources and educational information for interested students.



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