Fort Lewis is Vaccinated for FLU

Fort Lewis is Vaccinated for FLU

Story by Michaela Leach

Friday, April 12, 2013 | Number of views (7434)

On April 1st, many students at Fort Lewis may have seen an article announcing the shift in title from FLC to FLU.

Mitch Davis and the rest of FLC marketing and communications office get together every April Fool’s Day to come up with a creative story. Ken Wright of the marketing and communications office wrote the piece, which was viewed by hundreds of students on Facebook.

According to Davis, despite adding a new Teaching Master’s program within the next year, FLC will not be changing its name. If a name change is ever to occur, it will be many years down the road, he said.

“It's possible that we'll have a campus-wide discussion of a name change sometime in the next few years,” Davis said. “But that will be a major discussion that'll bring in students, faculty, staff and alumni, and the consensus decision may very well be to not change the College's name.”

Matthew Lender a sophomore at FLC said that when he read the article on Facebook he believed it until he read some of the comments.

“I was really confused about it, why would we be FLU?” Lender said. “That just sounds awful. I was definitely glad to hear that it was just a prank and that we weren’t really changing the name to the FLU.”

Davis said that they plan to pull more pranks in the future and it is a tradition among the communications and marketing departments. Students can expect to see more creative pranks on the FLC Facebook page for years to come.


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