Fort Lewis College Student Veterans

Fort Lewis College Student Veterans

Story by Shandiin Ramsey Photos by Crystal Ashike

Wednesday, April 12, 2017 | Number of views (2830)

Editor’s Note: This article is the first story in a 4-part-series of profiles highlighting veterans at Fort Lewis College.


Over 1 million veterans are using their Government Issued bill to attend college after their service, however only 15 percent of these veterans are traditionally aged college students between the ages of 18 and 24, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs.  


FLC is home to some of these non-traditional students working to continue their education.


Alvin Harvey


After serving in the Army for eight years and three deployments to Iraq, Harvey decided to attend college at FLC, he said.


“The first two months it was hard to get back into being around younger students,” he said. “Along with the anxieties of being reminded of being in an inclosed area and trying to find an easy exit.”


Although it has been difficult at times, Harvey is glad he took time off to serve his country because it has given him skills that have transitioned over to his school career, he said.  


“The military teaches you to go out and be ready, like in the war time you’re out there making life or death decisions,” Harvey said.  “Here it’s all about your life also because you’re transitioning over to have a job and you don’t really get any second chances at school as a non-traditional student.”


Harvey hopes to graduate in December with a degree in Sociology, then attend graduate school through DU.


Editor’s Note: This article is the second story in a 4-part-series of profiles highlighting veterans at Fort Lewis College.



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