FLC Graduates Prepare for May

FLC Graduates Prepare for May

Story by Shaina Nez, Photo illistration by Hana Mohsin

Thursday, April 10, 2014 | Number of views (4955)

The Fort Lewis College class of spring 2014 prepares for their commencement ceremony on May 3rd in the Whalen gymnasium from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Before their memorable departure from FLC begins, seniors plan and prepare to attend events such as Countdown to Graduation and Career Networking.

Alysha Guthrie, a FLC senior, will be receiving her Bachelor of Art in Marketing as a member of the Class of spring 2014. Guthrie was a part of organizations, including the Society of Business Leaders, American Indian Business Leaders, The Society of Leadership and Success, and the Native American Indian Leadership Forum in her academic career at FLC. Guthrie is currently the assistant tutor coordinator for the Native American Center.

“I’ll miss the professors in SOBA, the NAC staff and my friends,” Guthrie said.

Guthrie’s plans after FLC include attending graduate school after finishing her term as the youth advisor for the Sealaska board of directors and in the future, owning her own consulting business after some corporate experience.

FLC graduates are also invited to attend events that include Countdown to Graduation and Career Networking.

The Countdown to Graduation event is scheduled on April 10, 2014 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Vallecito room. The event includes information brought by the attention of campus offices, such as Financial Aid, Student Billing, Registrar, Career Services, the FLC bookstore, Alumni Relations, and as well as Information Technology, to ensure that graduating students follow their exit counseling correctly. This event is led by Lauren Delle, professor and advisor for the Psychology department.

There are many resources that have been happening. The Graduate Networking Forum, sponsored by SOBL was held on March 11. This forum introduced networking skills for graduates to learn and hopefully use when career searching in their field.

Dave Kerns, director of Alumni Relations, hoped that graduating seniors attended this event and saw it as an opportunity to learn about the importance of networking.

Kerns sees the networking event as a significant tool for a successful career and future.

“When you’re in a group of four people, how are you going to introduce yourself? How are you going to engage in conversation?”

If attending the Countdown to Graduation event, remember to bring your FLC student ID, FAFSA pin, and resume to be reviewed by Career Services staff. 


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