Five Best and Five Worst Bathrooms on Campus

Five Best and Five Worst Bathrooms on Campus

By Teal Lehto

Saturday, March 31, 2018 | Number of views (2396)



#1 Student Union by the back entrance of Vallecito room

The hallway by the Media Center, before the stairs leading to the SkyCard Office, wraps around past the entrance to the Media Center and the recording studio to reveal a quite secluded restroom. This is directly next to the back entrance for the Vallecito room. It is chosen as the #1 bathroom because of its somewhat hidden locale, which prevents much traffic. This means you can almost guarantee to never see anyone, and that it will be spotlessly clean.


#2 Upstairs in the Biology Department

    This bathroom is upstairs in the Biology department, where many of the professor’s offices reside. It is a single stall with a locking door. The lighting is a bit harsh, but it is usually empty and clean (probably because it is usually faculty using it).


#3 Downstairs in the Center Of Southwest Studies

    This restroom is right next to the entrance of the research library in Center of Southwest Studies. This is a three stall bathroom, with linoleum floors. Most students don’t know this bathroom exists, and only use the one upstairs. This means it’s almost always empty and clean


#4 Jones Hall near Algebra Alcove

    Tucked right behind the Algebra Alcove, blending in with the classrooms, this inconspicuous restroom is a hidden gem. It features at least 5 stalls, and ample mirror space. This restroom is trafficked more than the other on the list but it’s also one of the biggest ones on campus.


#5 Student Union by the Media Center

    This restroom is right next to the upstairs exit of the Student Union nearest to the Media Center. This is a two stall restroom that is generally pretty clean and has a full length mirror (at least in the ladies room) so you can check yourself out before heading to class.




#1 Downstairs in Reed Library

This restroom is located in the basement of Reed Library, near the Technology Department. It has two doors when entering which, full disclosure, totally freaked me out the first time I went in. It has 2-3 stalls, but everything is colored this horrible puke color. The lighting is awful and the sinks are small. Overall just a terrible bathroom.


#2 Near Animas Perks

This area is highly trafficked, and as such this restroom is always pretty dirty. Despite the nice, modern design, and natural lighting in the bathroom, the fact that it’s always dirty and there is rarely ever a moment of solace found within it’s stalls, it is placed as the second worst on campus.


#3 Downstairs in Noble Hall

This restroom looks like it belongs in some kind of 60’s gas station. It is dark, and always smells a little. Despite the ample number of stalls, I often experience a wait time when attempting to use this restroom. This is because it is the only restroom downstairs in Noble so all students and faculty are forced to use it.


#4 All Yellow Bathroom in Berndt

The location of this restroom is hard to describe and to be honest, when I went to go revisit it for this article I couldn’t locate it. However, I know it exists due to the one time I used it and felt like I was relieving myself in the famed “yellow submarine.” The interior design alone is what reserves this restroom a place on the list.


#5 All restrooms in the Student Life Center

I have yet to have a single pleasant experience in any of these bathrooms, and as I questioned my peers in research for this column it became abundantly clear that this is a trend. Perhaps people who have physically exerted themselves can’t be bothered to follow proper etiquette, and as a result these restrooms get trashed on a daily basis.


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