Change is in the Air

Change is in the Air

Story by Talor Ferraro, Photo by Anthony Martin

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 | Number of views (6227)

With the new school year came a new smoking policy that prohibits smokers from lighting up anywhere on campus. The policy, put into effect by President Dene Kay Thomas’ cabinet, provides 15 designated smoking locations around campus.

The new policy applies to any product derived from tobacco that is intended for smoking. This includes cigarettes, hookah and electronic cigarettes, said  Marc Goldfarb, director of Orientation and Student Health Services, said.

Prior to the installment of the designated smoking areas, FLC’s smoking policy stated that individuals who wanted to smoke must be at least 50 feet away from any campus building, Goldfarb said.

In April, the Presidential Guidance Committee that created past smoking policies decided to eliminate the 50-foot smoking policy in an effort to reduce the amount of second-hand smoke around campus and comply with the Colorado Clean Indoor Air Act, he said.

The committee that consists of a group of FLC students and faculty, generated the idea to have several designated smoking locations around campus, Goldfarb said.

The designated smoking area outside of West Hall attracts upward of 50 students every night after dinner, said FLC freshman, Jasper Mandaville.

Mandaville’s roommate bought a canopy to put over the bench so the students, who call themselves the “Smoke Squad,” can smoke in any weather condition. There is also a communal change jar that is used to collect money for cigarettes, Mandaville said.

Wesley Schoneman, FLC freshman and member of the “Smoke Squad,” said that

the new smoking policy has generated a growing community.

“I’ve made most of my friends here,” Schoneman said.

Sabrina Kling, also a freshman, said that because she does not smoke the new regulations do not affect her. However, the new policy has created an unexpected community.

 “The coolest people are here, I don’t need to smoke,” she said.

The smoking policy is nearly impossible to enforce. There will not be a cop patrolling campus and writing citations for people violating the new policy, Goldfarb said.

What it really comes down to is respecting the environment and the FLC community and expecting individuals to engage in the honor system, he said.

Goldfarb hopes the designated smoking areas around campus have and will continue to prove a successful compromise between smokers and nonsmokers.


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