ASFLC Report: Undocumented Student Protections

ASFLC Report: Undocumented Student Protections

Story by: Becca Day Photo by: Kayla Cata

Friday, January 26, 2018 | Number of views (4305)

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College passed two resolutions Wednesday evening. One approved a statement protecting undocumented students and the other renewed the Geology Club. ASFLC also discussed the position of vice parliamentarian in its government body  in the Colorado room of the Student Union.


Statement on Undocumented Students


The ASFLC approved a statement on undocumented students that asks the FLC administration to protect undocumented students to the extent that the college can under the law.


The statements asks that FLC take seven actions to protect undocumented students.


The Faculty Senate approved the statement at their meeting on Jan. 18.


Dustin Fink, president of ASFLC, requested the resolution be reworded to ask the administration do what they can to the extent permitted by the law. The motion passed.


“This is a really, really big issue that our college is taking the lead on, and I'm really excited to see that,” Shirenna Trujillo Long, coordinator of El Centro, said.


El Centro has worked on this issue informally in the past, Glenna Sexton, vice president of Student Affairs, said.


FLC already does adhere to some of the calls to action outlined in the statement, Sexton said.


FLC does fully comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, refuses voluntary information sharing with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and participates in the Advancing Students for a Stronger Economy Tomorrow program, Sexton said.


El Centro is working on updating its website to include this new statement so undocumented students have access to this information, Long said.


Geology Club RSO Renewal


ASFLC approved the renewal of the Geology Club.


The Geology Club plans to ask for a travel grant next week and requires renewal first, Jacob Wolfe, director of the Financial Allocation Board, said.


Vice Parliamentarian Position


The ASFLC discussed the practicality of its vice parliamentarian position.


Vice Parliamentarian Chase Wolf-Tinsman was impeached on Jan. 17 as he failed to meet attendance requirements for his position on the ASFLC, Evan Wick, senator on ASFLC said.


“I have never seen a need for a vice parliamentarian,” Wick said. “I think its a waste of $500.”


ASFLC senators receive a $500 dollar stipend for participating in the governing body.


ASFLC will discuss a resolution in its next meeting that will remove the vice parliamentarian position from the ASFLC, Wick said.


“This is not an attack on anyone who has held this position,” Fink said. “It's more of addressing an inadequacy in the way the role was designed," Fink.


Other Updates


  • Provost Barbara Morris is leaving FLC at the end of the fiscal year and will become president at the State University of New York Oneonta, Fink said.
  • FLC students were invited to participate in focus groups with the Chelsey Baker-Hauck Brand Strategy firm which is advising FLC about its potential name change, Wick said. Students want to be involved in discussion about the potential name change of FLC but failed to show up, he said.“Only six people out of roughly 30 show up,” Wick said. “They’re going to start second-guessing including us in scenarios like that so that was unfortunate.”
  • Kyle VanBrunschot resigned from his position as senator, Fink said. He recently received a promotion in his position at the Student Life Center, Ian Fullinwider, vice president of ASFLC, said.


Follow Becca Day on twitter @rday_indy for more information, and stay up to date with FLC news by following @flcindependent and checking us out at



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