ASFLC Report: FAB, RSO and Fall Budget

ASFLC Report: FAB, RSO and Fall Budget

by Aidan Multhauf

Friday, October 13, 2017 | Number of views (3478)

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met on Wednesday to discuss finances.


FAB Bylaw Change


ASFLC approved resolution 17-058 which addresses the Financial Allocations Boards bylaw change.


To hire and fire a FAB director up to this point, both the ASFLC president and vice president must have agreed on a candidate, said Evan Wick, speaker of the senate.


“The current FAB Bylaws do not accurately reflect the current hiring and dismissal process used for the FAB director,” saidWick.


Under the new resolution, the removal of the next FAB director must be approved by a two-thirds vote from the ASFLC senate, but the hiring of the FAB director will stay in the hands of the president and vice president of ASFLC, Wick said.


Society of Women Engineering Becomes RSO I and Lands a Travel Grant


The ASFLC approved resolution 17-059 which allowed the Society of Women Engineers to become an RSO I.


“It is a global organization with over 37,000 members,” said Cecelia Paciaroni, SWE president.


The SWE mission statement is to help women fulfill their full potential in engineering and celebrate the value of diversity, said Paciaroni.


“There are three goals: professional excellence, globalization, and advocacy,” Paciaroni said.


The ASFLC also approved resolution 17-061 which gave a $1,496 travel grant to the Society of Women Engineers.


SWE is going to Austin, Texas at the end of October to attend a conference it hopes will get its foot in the door which they hope will provide career opportunities, Paciaroni said.


The money allocated will help with travel, housing and conference registration, said Paciaroni.


Fall Budget Review


The FAB Director Jacob Wolfe introduced the fall budget review with finalized numbers to the ASFLC.


Wolfe presented five options for the money after all other finances are accounted for. Wolfe and the ASFLC  agreed that the option that leaves a $2,000 reserve for spring revenue shortfall is the most favorable.


“Last year, we had one grant request that couldn’t be fully funded because the grant had run out,” Fullinwider said.


The FAB has already allocated $1,900 of $16,500 that is put aside for RSO travel grants this semester, Wolfe said.


Other News


The transit budget cuts will result in less access to public transportation, which may affect Fort Lewis students, said ASFLC Vice President Ian Fullinwider.


The ASFLC will discuss this further in the future, said Fullinwider.



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