ASFLC Report: BSU Travel Grant and Closing Ceremony

By Coya Pair

Friday, April 20, 2018 | Number of views (615)

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met Wednesday, Apr. 18.  to discuss a travel grant for the Black Student Union, and to hold an end-of-the year ceremony for all of the ASFLC senators.


Action Item- Resolution 18-036

The BSU requested a travel grant for a trip to Bellingham, Washington. This trip is to educate other schools on the Real Foods program and to educate others on injustice among black and indigenous farmers.  


Four students will be traveling this upcoming Aug. 31 - Sept. 3, and requested $638 per person. After discussing travels methods to reduce cost, the motion passed unanimously .


Officer Reports

Dustin Fink, ASFLC president, explained that 410 people attended preview weekend, which got 77 students from admitted to confirmed.


Fort Lewis College is down 10 percent in freshman admissions compared to last year, however freshman admissions have been gaining ground at about 2 percent per week. If this 2 percent increase continues for another week, FLC will no longer be down 10 percent


FLC Presidential Election


The Board of Trustees met once this week, and there will be two more meetings this school year centered around the president's hiring. There is currently no new information regarding this.


Expansion of Student Life Center


The expansion of the student life center has recently proven to potentially cost $7 million. $2.5 million of this is due to making the building follow a net zero carbon plan, meaning the building will have little to no carbon emissions.


Expansion includes the merging of wellness and health into the same building, creating an indoor turf facility, expanding counseling space, and remodeling the fitness space, Fink said.


This past year, participation in recreation services was down 10 to 14 percent and to cover the cost of expansion, students will be paying an additional $16 per credit fee, Fink said.


Table Business

Mark Mastalski, director of the Leadership Center, expressed his gratitude for all of ASFLC’s hard work this past year, and congratulated the senators on all that they have accomplished.


The senators each spoke on their gratitude for one another and what they have gained from being a part of FLC.



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