ASFLC meets with city official, approves new RSO and talks about collaboration with the Environmental Center

By Dorothy Elder Indy Staff Writer

Tuesday, March 10, 2020 | Number of views (5630)

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met with Durango City Councilor Kim Baxter during their meeting on Feb. 20  as part of an on-going effort to keep communication open between FLC and the city. 

Baxter, who was elected to City Council in April 2019, briefed the senate on the happenings within the city administration, including the ongoing CBI investigation into the city’s former Director of Finance amid allegations regarding a misallocation of public funds. Baxter said that City Council had no new information to share with ASFLC at this time. 

The senate and Baxter also discussed ways in which the college and the city should continue to develop their relationship, strengthening the connection between the two. Suggestions included ASFLC attendance at City Council meetings, maintaining consistent communication with Durango City Manager Amber Blake, and City Council attendance to the end-of-the-year poster presentations put on by ASFLC, which are intended to highlight the senate’s accomplishments and goals at the end of the academic year. The presentations are put on by the student senators.  

The meeting also included the unanimous passing of Resolution 20-021, granting RSO status to H2Org!, a new student organization on campus. FLC students Max Dubois and Teal Lento presented to the senate as co-presidents of the organization talking about their new water club on campus. 

“We have three goals, educating students, involving students in the community, and trying to help students find water jobs”, Dubois said. 

The club is set to have several video showings, tours, speakers, and panels all around the topic of water throughout the remainder of the Spring Semester. 

In addition, senators discussed a potential increase in ASFLC collaboration with FLC’s Environmental Center. Sophie Schwartz, ASFLC senator and leader of the discussion, said that collaboration is needed because ASFLC represents the student body, and FLC’s student body is largely environmentally-conscious. 

Senate suggestions for how ASFLC might become more allied with the Environmental Center included meeting more with EC leadership or working with the EC to put on a larger event for campus.


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