ASFLC: FLC Presidential Candidates set to visit and Graduation Regalia

By: Mike Ranson

Friday, March 23, 2018 | Number of views (1569)

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met on March 7 to discuss the new Fort Lewis College presidential candidates and graduation regalia.


FLC Presidential Candidates

The three finalists for the presidential position at FLC have been finalized: Maria Guajardo, Tom Stritikus and Teresa C. Balser were selected.

Guajardo is the Deputy Vice-President of Soka University in Tokyo Japan. She will visit campus March 29-30.

Stritikus is the Deputy Director of K-12 U.S. programs for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He will visit campus April 2-3.

Balser is a former national teacher of the year and current Dean of Teaching and Learning for the School of Engineering at Curtin University in Perth, Australia. Her visit is set for April 4-5.

All three have scheduled luncheons which the ASFLC board will attend and will have public events throughout each of their time spent on campus.


Graduation Regalia

Senator Ally Wolfe brought up students’ concerns with the graduation regalia rules. The main focus was that while walking across the stage, students must wear a robe over their shoulders covering their distinctive clothing worn to show respect to the culture.

Students were arguing that they should be able to wear their regalia without any restrictions, students believed that the current legislation limited them.

ASFLC decided to postpone conversation on the matter until the next meeting. No actions were made.


Campus Activities

- ASFLC has three new executive teams running this year: Emerson Billy and Ty Gray, Chance Salway and Alyssa Yocky, and Jacob Wolfe and Roberta Leash. The elections will be held March 25-28.



- The Durango Transit contract is still being discussed with city officials. ASFLC sent them notice of cancellation early this semester. The city decided to close all bus routes on holidays.


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