ASFLC Appoints Positions and Meets with President

Mandy Lorenson

Thursday, October 4, 2018 | Number of views (1118)

Associated Students of Fort Lewis College met on Wednesday, September 26,  where the speaker of the senate was appointed, executive action was taken to start the appointment process of the First Term Ambassador, and a guest appearance by FLC president Tom Stritikus.

Speaker of the Senate

Action was taken by the table on Resolution 18-945 in appointing the speaker of the Senate.

The speaker of the Senate is a member of the executive team of ASFLC, and makes sure every resolution has enough time to be discussed on the table. The position also has the executive privilege to veto resolution as well, ASFLC president Chance Salway said.

Rebecca Judy was appointed as speaker of the Senate with a 5-4 majority vote.

First Term Ambassador

The Senate will be appointing Gillian Bynum as First Term Ambassador in the meeting next week meeting, October 4.

“I’m excited to see what she has in store,” said Salway.

The First Term Ambassador is an introductory role to ASFLC. The student must be in their first semester at FLC to be able to fulfill this position.

The senate voted unanimously to revise the Constitution to allow for fewer restrictions on this position.

The requirements that were once in place stated that there could be at least two First Term Ambassadors.

The requirements that are set in place now state that First Term Ambassador can come from any department causing the position to go from two to one.

Tom Stritikus

Stritikus wanted to discuss with the senate the establishment of a Diversity Committee.

He wanted to get the thoughts and feelings of the senate about if it would be better to do a joined student, faculty and staff committee or a separate one for each of the two groups.

When the idea of a joined meeting with both students and staff was brought up by President Stritikus, Ian Fullinwider, parliamentarian of ASFLC, said students may not feel comfortable discussing certain issues in front of the faculty and staff.

President Stritikus’s hope with this is to build a campus that is accepting from a student perspective and to create an interactive role from the faculty and staff prospective, Stritikus said.

“ASFLC can play a large role in getting students together,” ASFLC President Chance Salway said.


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