Martin Luther King Jr. March Martin Luther King Jr. March

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 | Junior Parrish

Martin Luther King Jr. March

Fort Lewis students and staff honor the civil rights leader

Why Does the Sticker Stick with you? Why Does the Sticker Stick with you?

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | Izzy Mora

Why Does the Sticker Stick with you?

From bumpers to bottles, Fort Lewis expresses itself through stickers

The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Friday, January 17, 2025 | Aleyna Kleinhaus

The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Indigenous Adventure fund helps close the gap on accessibility

Cambridge Analytica and #DeleteFacebook

By Ryan Simonovich

The bottom line is that the Trump campaign was able to use this data to increase online fundraising, reach undecided voters and increase voter turnout on election day.

Cambridge Analytica and #DeleteFacebook   If you’re like me, it can be hard to keep track of the news cycle and read extensively about every scandal that seemingly develops everyday. On top of that, it is hard to understand the convoluted histories of scandals, such as the Cambridge Analytica and Facebook one.   This article aims to help you understand what is...

Senior Spotlight: Sarah K. Williams

By: Faith Owens

Sarah K. Williams is a senior at Fort Lewis College and is graduating in the spring of 2018.

Q: What is your major of studies? A: My major is athletic training. Q: Why did you choose athletic training? A: Well, I knew I didn’t want to sit in an office all day, therefore I didn’t want to be involved in a business career. I really like sports, along with anatomy and healthcare. Q: What is your post-graduation plan?   A: I am going to California...

Your Vote Can Make a Difference: City Council Members, Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem

By Breana Talamante-Benavidez

Durango city council is involved with the county and Fort Lewis College.


The mayor, the city and county managers, the president and vice president of FLC and other representatives of the city, county and college meet regularly to discuss what is happening in each department that could affect the others, Mayor Dick White said.


Durango city council is involved with the county and Fort Lewis College.   The mayor, the city and county managers, the president and vice president of FLC and other representatives of the city, county and college meet regularly to discuss what is happening in each department that could affect the others, Mayor Dick White said.   City Council Functionality and...

Fort Lewis College Art Gallery Hosts Student Exhibition

By: Davis Deussen

The Fort Lewis College Art Gallery held the opening reception and awards ceremony for the 57th Annual Student Juried Exhibition from 4:30-6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb 28th.


The Fort Lewis College Art Gallery held the opening reception and awards ceremony for the 57th Annual Student Juried Exhibition from 4:30-6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb 28th. A Student Juried Exhibition is a competition available to all FLC students that accepts any form of media for the chance to be exhibited in an art show and be judged in a professional setting. Patti Singer, a working...

Indy Eats: The Living Tree Offers a Light Option

By: Breana Talamante-Benavidez

The Living Tree Live Foods Salad Bar, located on the 600 block of Main Ave, offers a variety of light and hearty salad options as well as chili and nachos.

The Living Tree Live Foods Salad Bar, located on the 600 block of Main Ave, offers a variety of light and hearty salad options as well as chili and nachos. The atmosphere is very casual and welcoming. I was greeted as soon as I walked up to the line. I noticed that, not only does the menu consist of traditional salads, there are also salads that offer different, more robust flavors. The...
