Vibrant Voices Vibrant Voices

Friday, May 24, 2024 | Kiiyahno Edgewater

Vibrant Voices

The past, present and future of representing diversity on campus.
Screaming Rubber Band Chickens Screaming Rubber Band Chickens

Thursday, February 15, 2024 | AJ Repinski

Screaming Rubber Band Chickens

Contestants test their pain limit for Snowdown glory.

Black Student Union uses Black History Month as an opportunity to look forward

By Dorothy Elder Indy Staff Writer

Following a summer of protests for lost black lives and racial inequality, illustrating a grand resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement, Fort Lewis College’s Black Student Union brought events to campus to honor Black History Month. 


Following a summer of protests for lost black lives and racial inequality, illustrating a grand resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement, Fort Lewis College’s Black Student Union brought events to campus to honor Black History Month.  At the beginning of the month, on Feb. 5, FLC students, as well as members of the larger Durango community, gathered outside FLC’s clock...

Beyond Chemistry: FLC professor, Joslynn Lee, works to increase Native American representation in the sciences

By Dorothy Elder Indy Staff Writer

It was important to Dr. Joslynn Lee, Fort Lewis College assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, when she received the call that informed her that she was selected to join a national cohort of scientists all chosen to be featured on a STEM Trading Card.

It was important to Dr. Joslynn Lee, Fort Lewis College assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, when she received the call that informed her that she was selected to join a national cohort of scientists all chosen to be featured on a STEM Trading Card. The call came from Science Delivered, a national science education non-profit, who provides a database of people in science,...

Native Students Feel Silenced: FLC’s regulation of student feed questioned aft er students posted in support of “white culture” on Indigenous People’s Day

By Dorothy Elder Indy Staff Writer

After a problematic series of posts advocating for “white culture” hit the Fort Lewis College app on Oct. 11, questions of inclusivity and proper representation of FLC’s diverse student population rang through campus.

After a problematic series of posts advocating for “white culture” hit the Fort Lewis College app on Oct. 11, questions of inclusivity and proper representation of FLC’s diverse student population rang through campus. In the late evening hours of Indigenous People’s Day, a series of memes pertaining to “white culture” were posted, sparking a wildfire on...

The personal and the political: FLC students talk their circumstances and values as they cast their vote for the 2020 presidential election

By Dorothy Elder Indy Staff Writer

This year, many Americans have their attention on the presidential election, which sits in the middle of a pandemic, a resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement and the nomination of a Supreme Court justice. With America’s increasing political polarization, those casting their votes for the Democratic presidential nominee, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, cannot wrap their heads around why anyone would vote to re-elect the Republican nominee, President Donald J. Trump and Trump supporters can’t see why you wouldn’t. 

This year, many Americans have their attention on the presidential election, which sits in the middle of a pandemic, a resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement and the nomination of a Supreme Court justice. With America’s increasing political polarization, those casting their votes for the Democratic presidential nominee, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, cannot wrap their...
