Martin Luther King Jr. March Martin Luther King Jr. March

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 | Junior Parrish

Martin Luther King Jr. March

Fort Lewis students and staff honor the civil rights leader

Why Does the Sticker Stick with you? Why Does the Sticker Stick with you?

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | Izzy Mora

Why Does the Sticker Stick with you?

From bumpers to bottles, Fort Lewis expresses itself through stickers

The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Friday, January 17, 2025 | Aleyna Kleinhaus

The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Indigenous Adventure fund helps close the gap on accessibility

Looking Past Graduation

Story by Alexa Chance

The Career Services Center at Fort Lewis College hosted a graduate school workshop on Sep. 11 to help students with questions they may have about graduate school.

Guest speaker Paul Clay, a visiting instructor for the School of Business Administration, program, spoke about his experience with graduate school.

The Career Services Center at Fort Lewis College hosted a graduate school workshop on Sep. 11 to help students with questions they may have about graduate school.Guest speaker Paul Clay, a visiting instructor for the School of Business Administration, program, spoke about his experience with graduate school. “I try and find different people to speak at the graduate workshops every semester,”...

Campus Confrontation Ends with Professor Handcuffed

Story by Carter Solomon

Friday, April 5, 2013, an incident occurred between a Fort Lewis College police officer and an FLC faculty member. No arrest was made, and no injuries were sustained, according to a statement provided by Glenna Sexton, the vice president of student affairs. The incident is currently being investigated, and the officer is on administrative leave during the ongoing investigation, the...

Fort Lewis is Vaccinated for FLU

Story by Michaela Leach

On April 1st, many students at Fort Lewis may have seen an article announcing the shift in title from FLC to FLU. Mitch Davis and the rest of FLC marketing and communications office get together every April Fool’s Day to come up with a creative story. Ken Wright of the marketing and communications office wrote the piece, which was viewed by hundreds of students on Facebook. According...

Ballots Close on Student Elections

Story by Meryl Ramsey

The Associated Students of Fort Lewis College Election are underway. Many students have done the work to fill out nomination packets, and ballots are now almost closed. Friday, April 5, is the last day to vote.             The initial elections took place on Mon. April 1, 2013 and Tues. April 2, 2013 through campus computers as well as at...

Aalands Consult Attorney after Joint Firings

Story by Trevor Ogborn

Chris Aaland, assistant director of athletics for communications, and his wife, Shelly Aaland, the women’s volleyball coach, have been laid off by Fort Lewis College. According to Athletic Director Gary Hunter, both Aalands are working with an attorney regarding the matter. Hunter denied further comment. Both Aalands’ Facebook pages have been updated to reflect the...
