Martin Luther King Jr. March Wednesday, January 29, 2025 | Junior Parrish Martin Luther King Jr. March Fort Lewis students and staff honor the civil rights leader
Why Does the Sticker Stick with you? Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | Izzy Mora Why Does the Sticker Stick with you? From bumpers to bottles, Fort Lewis expresses itself through stickers
The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity Friday, January 17, 2025 | Aleyna Kleinhaus The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity Indigenous Adventure fund helps close the gap on accessibility
Vagina Talk - With Feminist Voice Vagina Talk - With Feminist Voice Story by Andrew Hook Graphic by Hanna Maddera Artwork by Katie Server Friday, February 20, 2015 Fort Lewis College's Feminist Voice, an on-campus social justice organization, are performing the “Vagina Monologues” this year at the Durango Arts Center on March 4 and 5. Fort Lewis College's Feminist Voice, an on-campus social justice organization, are performing the “Vagina Monologues” this year at the Durango Arts Center on March 4 and 5. Tickets will be available for $10 in the Student Union and at the Durango Arts Center until the day of the show, said Dana Mastrangelo, the president of Feminist Voice. Feminist... Read more
Environmental Center Prepares for Sustainability Summit Environmental Center Prepares for Sustainability Summit Story by Catherine Wheeler and Luke Perkins Graphic by Julia Volzke Wednesday, February 18, 2015 The Environmental Center of Fort Lewis College is preparing for the Sustainability Summit, which will address how sustainability is working so far on campus and how to bring it into the lives of students. The Environmental Center of Fort Lewis College is preparing for the Sustainability Summit, which will address how sustainability is working so far on campus and how to bring it into the lives of students. The Sustainability Summit is showcasing the efforts and future efforts of students, professors and staff, Nicoll Hunt, a senior working in the Environmental Center,... Read more
Chekhovian Sonata - FLC’s Theatre Department Aims to Modernize Classic Works Chekhovian Sonata - FLC’s Theatre Department Aims to Modernize Classic Works Story by Lauren Hammond and Luke Perkins Photos by Julia Volzke Thursday, February 12, 2015 Fort Lewis College’s theatre department had preview night Thursday evening for their new production, “A Chekhovian Sonata: Love in 3 Movements.” Performances begin this weekend, which include two short plays, and an adapted short story written by Anton Chekhov. Fort Lewis College’s theatre department had preview night Thursday evening for their new production, “A Chekhovian Sonata: Love in 3 Movements.” Performances begin this weekend, which include two short plays, and an adapted short story written by Anton Chekhov. “This is a great opportunity for people to see some of the works of the person who a... Read more
Throwback Throwdown - Bring Your Steez Throwback Throwdown - Bring Your Steez Story by Andrew Hook and Jarred Green Photos by Callie Hagman Thursday, February 12, 2015 The Adventure House Counsel from the Bader-Snyder complex has rented out Chapman Hill again this year for the Fourth Annual Throwback Throwdown Rail Jam. The Adventure House Counsel from the Bader-Snyder complex has rented out Chapman Hill again this year for the Fourth Annual Throwback Throwdown Rail Jam. Get down there in your best 80s theme attire this Friday, February 13, to jam out with the MXT RedBull truck DJs and all the Adventure House folks, said Ryan Reggans, founding member of the throwback event and chairperson on the... Read more
HIV Screening at FLC - Preparing for Valentine’s HIV Screening at FLC - Preparing for Valentine’s Story by Jared Green Monday, February 9, 2015 Fort Lewis College is offering free human immunodeficiency virus screenings Thursday, Feb. 12, at the FLC Student Health Center from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Health Center provides primary health care to all students ranging from immunizations to sexually transmitted infection screenings. Fort Lewis College is offering free human immunodeficiency virus screenings Thursday, Feb. 12, at the FLC Student Health Center from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Health Center provides primary health care to all students ranging from immunizations to sexually transmitted infection screenings. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, the Health Center wishes to make sure... Read more