The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Friday, January 17, 2025 | Aleyna Kleinhaus

The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Indigenous Adventure fund helps close the gap on accessibility

Seasonal Blues Seasonal Blues

Friday, January 17, 2025 | Izzy Mora and Zara Tucker

Seasonal Blues

Fort Lewis Experts break down Seasonal Depression

Keep Your Sleep Keep Your Sleep

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 | Steven Ben

Keep Your Sleep

How sleep affects you, physically and mentally. 

The Meaning of Consent: FLC’s Approach to preventing Sexual Assault

By Kim Cassels Indy Staff Writer

The beginning and end of colleges’ academic years tend to have higher rates of sexual assault cases, which sources attribute to the increased use of drugs, alcohol and the misunderstanding of consent.

The beginning and end of colleges’ academic years tend to have higher rates of sexual assault cases, which sources attribute to the increased use of drugs, alcohol and the misunderstanding of consent. One in five sexual assault cases nationwide are reported to law enforcement, Christain Champagne, the 6th Judicial District Attorney said. People who are at the highest risk for...

More than Just Sounds: A look into EDM in Durango

By Charlotte Williams Indy Staff Writer

Durango’s music scene is most commonly associated with bluegrass or jambands, but live shows for these genres only serve a portion of the community. 

Durango’s music scene is most commonly associated with bluegrass or jambands, but live shows for these genres only serve a portion of the community.  Electronic dance music, the kind most commonly associated with raves, is not only produced but also enjoyed by residents of Durango, and is considered an up and coming genre, according to Eugene Salaz, the talent and production...

Instructors attempt to build a community through First Year Launch program

By Alx Lee Indy Staff Writer

First Year Experience, a semester-long program designed to connect freshman students with mentorship through Fort Lewis College faculty, started this fall. 


First Year Experience, a semester-long program designed to connect freshman students with mentorship through Fort Lewis College faculty, started this fall.  Michelle Bonanno, the First Year Experience coordinator, said instructors could create a community within the classes and build a relationship with students.  The First Year development team consisted of seven instructors...

FLC’s Contribution to the study of New Generation Nuclear Power

By Kim Cassels Indy Staff Writer

The engineering department is making substantial innovations in nuclear energy research by developing unique parts intended for pumping liquid metal.

The engineering department is making substantial innovations in nuclear energy research by developing unique parts intended for pumping liquid metal. Fort Lewis College is one of five U.S.-based academic institutions studying how to increase the efficiency of the next generation of nuclear power plants, which involves using metal as a coolant that could help minimize radioactive...

Outdoor Pursuit trips: what they take and why they matter

By Charlotte Williams Indy Staff Writer

Outdoor Pursuits is credited as Fort Lewis College’s outdoor organization that provides educational training, outdoor resources and frequent trips for students.

Outdoor Pursuits is credited as Fort Lewis College’s outdoor organization that provides educational training, outdoor resources and frequent trips for students.  Students at FLC are offered the ability to embark on a plethora of adventures, varying from hiking to ice-climbing to mountain biking to backpacking— experiences that would financially cost more through the average...
