Martin Luther King Jr. March Martin Luther King Jr. March

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 | Junior Parrish

Martin Luther King Jr. March

Fort Lewis students and staff honor the civil rights leader

Why Does the Sticker Stick with you? Why Does the Sticker Stick with you?

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | Izzy Mora

Why Does the Sticker Stick with you?

From bumpers to bottles, Fort Lewis expresses itself through stickers

The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Friday, January 17, 2025 | Aleyna Kleinhaus

The Pursuit of Outdoor Inclusivity

Indigenous Adventure fund helps close the gap on accessibility

FLC goes viral? The marketing team hires on social media influencers to sell the college to prospecting students

By Jacob Monkarsh Indy Staff Writer

In an age where influencers have erupted across social media, Fort Lewis College has decided to start hiring its own FLC influencers within the campus community.

In an age where influencers have erupted across social media, Fort Lewis College has decided to start hiring its own FLC influencers within the campus community. Ashley Muckway, social media coordinator and designer at FLC, is the creator of the new FLC influencers program that the campus has seen this semester. After checking with the human resource and the admissions department at FLC...

Two’s company, Three’s a Crowd

By Travis Dalenberg Indy Staff Writer

Seniors express gratitude but harbor disappointment in this year’s commencement ceremony.

On the day of the commencement ceremony, a big moment for graduates is walking the stage to the tune of adoring loved ones and fellow classmates, shaking Fort Lewis College President Tom Stritkus’ hand and receiving the diploma, captured by the photo op.  Then, the turning of the tassel marks the ceremony complete. Unfortunately, this time-honored tradition was lost in the wake...

FLC places COVID-19 vaccine mandate

By Coya Pair Indy Staff Writer

Here’s how the decision was made and what the student response has been.

Fort Lewis College President Tom Stritikus sent out an email to all students and prospective students on April 2 announcing that everyone enrolling at FLC for the Fall 2021 semester will be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine. In the email, Stiritkus wrote that this requirement is in order to protect the FLC community and get things back to normal, such as participating in group work in...

Womxn Take Over the Wall: FLC students climb over barriers in honor of Women’s History Month

by Dorothy Elder Indy Staff Writer


The mood was high-spirited and welcoming as several of Fort Lewis College’s women filed into the Student Life Center building with their carabiners attached, chalk dusted on their hands and climbing shoes on to participate in FLC’s Womxn Take Over the Wall event. 

The event, orchestrated through a collaboration between Outdoor Pursuits and fairly new student organization, Keeping Women Wild, was the kick-off event for a month of events in celebration of Women’s History Month, Ryanne Clough, a FLC adventure education and business administration double-major who is a Student Outdoor Leader for Outdoor Pursuits, said.


The mood was high-spirited and welcoming as several of Fort Lewis College’s women filed into the Student Life Center with their carabiners attached, chalk dusted on their hands and climbing shoes on to participate in FLC’s Womxn Take Over the Wall event.    The event, orchestrated through a collaboration between FLC's Outdoor Pursuits and fairly-new student...

People of Durango: Featuring Patrick Langlois

By Jacob Monkarsh Indy Staff Writer

Welcome to “People of Durango,” a new column from the Independent. Our very first profile of the term is featuring Patrick Langlois, a non-traditional student here at Fort Lewis College.

Welcome to “People of Durango,” a new column from the Independent. Our very first profile of the term is featuring Patrick Langlois, a non-traditional student here at Fort Lewis College. Originally from New Orleans, LA, Langlois moved out to Grand Junction, CO in his early 30’s with a desire to continue his education and live in the mountains.  While hiking the Ice...
